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Unless these extra-genital sources of infection are borne in mind, there is a danger of failing to recognise the primary lesion of syphilis in unusual positions, such as the lip, finger, or nipple. When the disease is thus acquired by innocent transfer, it is known as syphilis insontium.

+Extragenital and Marital Syphilis.+ Estimates of the ratio of genital to non-genital or so-called extra-genital infection in syphilis vary a good deal, and are largely the products of the clinical period in the history of the disease before the days of more exact methods of detecting its presence.

ACQUIRED SYPHILIS Primary period: Incubation, primary chancre, glandular enlargement; Extra-genital chancres Treatment Secondary period: General symptoms, skin affections, mucous patches, affections of bones, joints, eyes, etc.

Yet it is notable that extra-genital chancres are the not uncommon result of liberties taken with light women which do not go to the extent of sexual relation.

The practice of waiting in doubtful cases before making a diagnosis until secondary manifestations appear is to be condemned. Extra-genital chancres, e.g. sores on the fingers of doctors or nurses, are specially liable to be overlooked, if the possibility of syphilis is not kept in mind.