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Alter the disposition of the words into, "vicerunt eunuchi e Syria, Egyptoque," and the whole beauty of the sentence will be destroyed.

"Neque me divitiae movent, quibus omnes Africanos et Laelios milt, venalitii mercatoresque superârunt." Change the order a little, so that the sentence shall stand, "Multi superârunt mercatores venalitiique," and the whole effect is lost. And the subsequent sentences: "Neque vestis, ant caelatum aurum et argentum, quo nostros veteres Marcellos Maximosque multi eunuchi e Syriâ aegyptoque vicerunt."

Try the experiment on the next sentence; "Neque vestes, aut celatum aurum, & argentum, quo nostros veteres Marcellos, Maximosque multi eunuchi e Syria Egyptoque vicerunt:" Nor do. I pay the least regard to costly habits, or magnificent services of plate, in which many eunuchs, imported from Syria and Egypt, have far surpassed the illustrious Marcelli, and the Maximi.

Alter the order of the words, so that they shall stand, "Vicerunt eunuchi e Syriâ aegyptoque." Take this third sentence: "Neque vero ornamenta ista villarum, quibus Lucium Paullum et Lucium Mummium, qui rebus his urbem Italiamque omnem referserunt, ab aliquo video perfacile Deliaco aut Syro potuisse superari." Place the words thus: "Potuisse superari ab aliquo Syro aut Deliaco."