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Updated: October 28, 2024
Equipage for crossing the Desert Donkey-chairs Sense of calmness and tranquillity on entering the Desert Nothing dismal in its aspect The Travellers' Bungalow Inconvenient construction of these buildings Kafila of the Governor of Jiddah and his Lady Their Equipage Bedouins Impositions practised on Travellers Desert Travelling not disagreeable Report of the sailing of the Steamer Frequency of false reports Ease with which an infant of the party bore the journey A wheeled carriage crossing the Desert Parties of Passengers from Suez encountered One of Mr.
They consisted of donkey-chairs, one being provided for each of the females of the party, while my friend Miss E. had also an extra donkey, with a saddle, to ride upon occasionally.
"'Instead of a land, and river, and desert transit, with all the obstructions and inconveniences of track-boats, native steamers, donkey-chairs, and vans, shipping and unshipping, there will be no land transit, and the whole passage may be made by sea from London to Bombay without stoppage. Instead of four days being consumed in the Egyptian transit, five hours will only be requisite.
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