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And besides, all their symbols of faith mentioned in the Dervock transaction as subordinate, are owned only as "Doctrinal Standards," thus leaving at loose ends individual and social Christian practice. This document is therefore a defective, evasive, and consequently inadequate renovation of our Covenants.

The two most noteworthy instances of avowed covenant-renovation within the present century are those at Dervock, Ireland, in 1853, and in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1871; and we class them together, because however the respective documents differ in their provisions, and in our judgment some of these are irreconcilable, yet the parties have ever since agreed to coalesce.

We repudiate the Renovation at Dervock, 1853, as being inadequate, defective, and unfaithful part of the document couched in abstract, evasive, and equivocal language. Also, we condemn and reject the Pittsburgh Bond, as ambiguous, self-contradictory and treacherous "a snare on Mizpah."

It was intended to extend the line six miles beyond Bush Mills, in order to join it at Dervock station with the north of Ireland narrow gauge railway system.

Reference is here made only to a sample of essential discrepancies. In the Dervock bond the British Covenants are expressly mentioned and owned; in the Pittsburg bond they are neither owned nor mentioned, although both were urged at the time, while they were openly vilified without rebuke. In the former Prelacy is abjured, in the latter it is not so much as named.