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The names of three were Lacoste, Degraves, and Duranton, of whom nothing beyond their names is known.

Although the feed was short, our horses did not stray, and after saddling up we continued along road for two and a half miles, and reached Colona, the head station of Degraves and Co., of Victoria, where we were most hospitably received by Mr. Maiden, the manager. At his desire camped, and turned out the horses on a piece of feed kept for his horses, and intend remaining over Sunday.

Degraves, M. De Launay, M., governor of the Bastile, death of. Des Huttes, M. D'Esprémesnil, Duval. De Staël, Baroness. D'Estaing, Count. Destruction of the Spanish squadron by the British at Cape St. Vincent De Varicourt, M. D'Hervilly, Count. D'Huillier, M. Disorders in the Assembly. Dissolution of the Constitutional Guard.

Marshal Beaulieu, their commander-in-chief, had scarcely twenty thousand men, while the Count de Narbonne had left the French army in so good a condition that Degraves, his successor, was able to send a hundred and thirty thousand men against him; and Dumouriez furnished him with a plan for an invasion of the Netherlands, which, if properly carried out, would have made the French masters of the whole country in a few days.