Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 27, 2024
Three days afterwards he was sent into the country, and, as I heard, perfectly recovered. The following is a very interesting case of tetanus, detailed by M. Debeaux, of the Royal French Chasseurs: A favourite dog was missing. Four days had passed, and no intelligence could be obtained with regard to him until he returned home, fatigued and half-starved. He had probably been stolen.
In the excess of their joy, the owners crammed him with meat until he became strangely ill. His throat was filled with froth, the pupils of his eyes were dilated, the conjunctiva was strongly injected, his neck was spasmodically contracted, and the spine of the back was bowed, and most highly sensible to the touch. M. Debeaux was sent for; it was an hour before he could attend.
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