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The first point, that occurs to be ascertained, is, "What part of the skin is the seat of colour?" The old anatomists usually divided the skin into two parts, or lamina; the exteriour and thinnest, called by the Greeks Epidermis, by the Romans Cuticula, and hence by us Cuticle; and the interiour, called by the former Derma, and by the latter Cutis, or true skin.

In about twenty-four hours the cuticle began to separate from the cutis, and in ten or twelve days this separation was general from head to foot, during which time he completely turned the cuticle off from the wrists to the fingers' ends like a glove, and in like manner on the legs to the toes, after which his nails shot gradually from their roots, at first with exquisite pain, which abated as the separation of the cuticle advanced, and the old nails were generally thrown off by new ones in about six months.

There was no mistake about it; it was a genuine historical document, of the Ziska drum-head pattern, a real cutis humana, stripped from some old Scandinavian filibuster, and the legend was true. My friend, the Professor, settled an important historical and financial question once by the aid of an exceedingly minute fragment of a similar document.

During these transactions, the siege of Namur was prosecuted with great ardour under the eye of the king of England; while the garrison defended the place with equal spirit and perseverance. On the eighteenth day of July, major-general Ramsay and lord Cutis, at the head of five battalions, English, Scots, and Dutch, attacked the enemy's advanced works on the right of the counterscarp.