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I am ill at dates, but I think it is now better than five and twenty years ago that walking in the gardens of Gray's Inn they were then far finer than they are now the accursed Verulam Buildings had not encroached upon all the east side of them, cutting out delicate green crankles, and shouldering away one of two of the stately alcoves of the terrace the survivor stands gaping and relationless as if it remembered its brother they are still the best gardens of any of the Inns of Court, my beloved Temple not forgotten have the gravest character, their aspect being altogether reverend and law-breathing Bacon has left the impress of his foot upon their gravel walks taking my afternoon solace on a summer day upon the aforesaid terrace, a comely sad personage came towards me, whom from his grave air and deportment I judged to be one of the old Benchers of the Inn.

I am ill at dates, but I think it is now better than five and twenty years ago that walking in the gardens of Gray's Inn they were then far finer than they are now the accursed Verulam Buildings had not encroached upon all the east side of them, cutting out delicate green crankles, and shouldering away one of two of the stately alcoves of the terrace the survivor stands gaping and relationless as if it remembered its brother they are still the best gardens of any of the Inns of Court, my beloved Temple not forgotten have the gravest character, their aspect being altogether reverend and law-breathing Bacon has left the impress of his foot upon their gravel walks taking my afternoon solace on a summer day upon the aforesaid terrace, a comely sad personage came towards me, whom, from his grave air and deportment, I judged to be one of the old Benchers of the Inn.