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The Nummulites planulata is very abundant, and the most characteristic shell is the Nerita conoidea, Lam., a fossil which has a very wide geographical range; for, as M. d'Archiac remarks, it accompanies the nummulitic formation from Europe to India, having been found in Cutch, near the mouths of the Indus, associated with Nummulites scabra.

Nerita conoidea, Lam. Syn. Below the preceding formation, shelly sands are seen, of considerable thickness, especially at Cuisse-Lamotte, near Compiegne, and other localities in the Soissonnais, about fifty miles N.E. of Paris, from which about 300 species of shells have been obtained, many of them common to the calcaire grossier and the Bracklesham beds of England, and many peculiar.

Testa imperforata, globoso-turbinata, solidiuscula, sub lente rugosa, albida, fasciis variis purpureo-fuscis ornata; spira conoidea, rubescens; anfrac. 5 convexiusculi, ultimus magnus, paululum deflexus; apertura ovata, intus nitide livida, peristoma expansum, reflexum, sordide violaceum, margine externo sinuato, columellari incrassato, dilatato, subsulcato. Diam. maj. 26, min. 21, alt. 20, mill.