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On the sixth day of this new march, they came to the valley of Xaula, a pleasant country to the N.N.E. The sailors who accompanied the army believed the river which flowed past Cofachiqui to be the same which is known on the coast under the name of Santa Ellena; and computing their marches at four leagues a-day, it appeared that the forces had come two hundred leagues from Apalache to Xaula ; which, with an hundred and fifty leagues from the Bay of the Holy Ghost to Apalache, made four hundred and ten leagues in all .

Soto would not take away any of these, being resolved to continue his march. Accordingly, taking leave of the princess of Cofachiqui, he divided the army into two parts for the better convenience of provisions, retaining the immediate command of one, and confiding the other to the charge of Baltasar de Gallegos.

Incidents at Achise Arrival at Cofa. Friendly Reception by Cofaqui. The Armed Retinue. Commission of Patofa. Splendors of the March. Lost in the Wilderness. Peril of the Army. Friendly Relations. The Escape from the Wilderness. They Reach the Frontiers of Cofachiqui. Dismissal of Patofa. Wonderful Reception by the Princess of Cofachiqui.