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Updated: January 6, 2025
Your co-officials were opposed to his appointment, but you, do you remember how you pleaded to give the man his chance and in your hellish ingenuity saw your way then out of the trap! An ex-convict from Sing Sing! It was enough, wasn't it? What chance had he!" Jimmie Dale paused, his left hand clenched until the skin formed whitish knobs over the knuckles.
Macvey Napier, my friend's elder brother, was the senior clerk. On John Mill's retirement, his co-officials subscribed to present him with a silver standish. Such was the general sense of Mill's modest estimate of his own deserts, and of his aversion to all acknowledgment of them, that Mr. Napier, though it fell to his lot, begged others to join in the ceremony of presentation.
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