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M. de Vendome commenced his Italian campaign by a victory. He attacked the troops of Prince Eugene upon the heights of Calcinato, drove them before him, killed three thousand men, took twenty standards, ten pieces of cannon, and eight thousand prisoners. It was a rout rather than a combat.

M. de Vendome commenced his Italian campaign by a victory. He attacked the troops of Prince Eugene upon the heights of Calcinato, drove them before him, killed three thousand men, took twenty standards, ten pieces of cannon, and eight thousand prisoners. It was a rout rather than a combat.

Story and Catastrophe of Fargues. Death and Character of Ninon de l'Enclos. Odd Adventure of Courtenvaux. Spies at Court. New Enlistment. Wretched State of the Country. Balls at Marly. Arrival of Vendome at Court. Character of That Disgusting Personage. Rise of Cardinal Alberoni. Vendome's Reception at Marly. His Unheard-of Triumph. His High Flight. Returns to Italy. Battle of Calcinato.

M. de Vendome commenced his Italian campaign by a victory. He attacked the troops of Prince Eugene upon the heights of Calcinato, drove them before him, killed three thousand men, took twenty standards, ten pieces of cannon, and eight thousand prisoners. It was a rout rather than a combat.