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There was a whirl of linsey petticoats behind me, and two plump arms were about my neck; and her dear voice was sobbing: "They didn't know! I feared you were dead beyond the Ohio!" "But I sent you a message!" I protested, patting her bowed head. "I sent word by Moulton that it was only an arrow-wound in the leg, and that I must wait." "And he never came, nor brought your word!

Which of those scars on your face is the arrow-wound, eh? Oh, that's it is it? I say, old boy, you've got a black eye! Did any of those fellows in the Snuggery hit hard enough to hurt you?" "Hurt me?

Achilleus dies by an arrow-wound in the heel; the thigh of Adonis is pierced by the boar's tusk, while Odysseus escapes with an ugly scar, which afterwards secures his recognition by his old servant, the dawn-nymph Eurykleia; Sigurd is slain by a thorn, and Balder by a sharp sprig of mistletoe; and in the myth of the Sleeping Beauty, the earth-goddess sinks into her long winter sleep when pricked by the point of the spindle.

Josiah died in battle. Was that going to his grave in peace? Surely yes! if, dying, he felt God's presence, and in the darkness saw a great light. He who thus dies, though it be in the thick of battle, and with his heart's blood pouring from an arrow-wound down on the floor of the chariot, dies in peace, and into peace.