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Fencing made of stout galvanized iron wires strung on wooden posts supplies excellent conductors for practice purposes, provided the posts be quite dry. In wet weather there will be leakage. The length of the line will be limited by the battery power available, but a 6-volt battery at each end will probably suffice for all experimental purposes.

Telephone Induction Coil. Microphone Transformer. Magnetic Modulator. The Telephone Induction Coil. This is a little induction coil that transforms the 6-volt battery current after it has flowed through and been modulated by the microphone transmitter into alternating currents that have a potential of 1,000 volts of more.

Now when the 6-volt battery current is switched on the filament is heated to brilliancy, and the electrons thrown off by it form a conducting path between it and the plate; the 110 volt current then flows from the latter to the former.

Now when the 6-volt battery current is switched on the filament is heated to brilliancy, and the electrons thrown off by it form a conducting path between it and the plate; the 110 volt current then flows from the latter to the former.

The wire filament is formed into a loop like that of an incandescent lamp and its outside ends are connected with a 6-volt storage battery, which is called the A battery; then the + or positive terminal of a 22-1/2 volt dry cell battery, called the B battery, is connected to the metal plate while the or negative terminal of the battery is connected to one of the terminals of the wire filament.

The wire filament is formed into a loop like that of an incandescent lamp and its outside ends are connected with a 6-volt storage battery, which is called the A battery; then the + or positive terminal of a 22-1/2 volt dry cell battery, called the B battery, is connected to the metal plate while the or negative terminal of the battery is connected to one of the terminals of the wire filament.

Telephone Induction Coil. Microphone Transformer. Magnetic Modulator. The Telephone Induction Coil. This is a little induction coil that transforms the 6-volt battery current after it has flowed through and been modulated by the microphone transmitter into alternating currents that have a potential of 1,000 volts of more.