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At a later period, on the other hand, this relation of receipts was entirely reversed. For instance, in 1582-3 the wardens secured only £4 10s. 4d. from their ale, while proceeds from other sources amounted to £17 9s. 7d. In the thirty-one years from 1556-7 to 1587-8 in this parish the recorded wardens' expenditures had more than doubled.

The blackest night that ever descended upon the Netherlands more disappointing because succeeding a period of comparative prosperity and triumph was the winter of 1587-8, when Leicester had terminated his career by his abrupt departure for England, after his second brief attempt at administration.

The blackest night that ever descended upon the Netherlands more disappointing because succeeding a period of comparative prosperity and triumph was the winter of 1587-8, when Leicester had terminated his career by his abrupt departure for England, after his second brief attempt at administration.

The blackest night that ever descended upon the Netherlands more disappointing because succeeding a period of comparative prosperity and triumph was the winter of 1587-8, when Leicester had terminated his career by his abrupt departure for England, after his second brief attempt at administration.

January, 1587-8, had well-nigh run through, before Sir Richard Grenville made his appearance on the streets of Bideford. He had been appointed in November one of the council of war for providing for the safety of the nation, and the West Country had seen nothing of him since.

The blackest night that ever descended upon the Netherlands more disappointing because succeeding a period of comparative prosperity and triumph was the winter of 1587-8, when Leicester had terminated his career by his abrupt departure for England, after his second brief attempt at administration.