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L'annee suivante, les habitans de Pauw massacrerent le Commissaire Gruis, etc.; mais apres avoir venge ce meurtre, et dissipe les revoltes en 1666, les Hollandois etoient restes les maitres de toute cette etendue de cotes entre Sillebar et Baros, ou ils etablirent divers comptoirs, dont celui de Padang est le principal depuis 1667.

Le sang tombe des airs: il dechire, il devore Le reptile acharné, qui le combat encore; Il le perçe, il le tient sous ses ongles vainqeurs, Par cent coups rédoublés il venge ses douleurs; Le Monstre en expirant, se debat, se replie; Il exhale en poison le reste de sa vie; Et l'aigle tout sanglant, fier et victorieux, Le rejette en fureur, et plane au haut des cieux.

"They must have dropped from Heaven an' were sent us to 'venge the people the pirates have killed. It's a sign. Guess we're not pirates after all, but just good sailors an' we'll scrunch those pirates." Then he thought for a moment. "But I guess we'll keep this flag anyway, even if it is the pirates'." And they kept their names as well. They were far too fine to give up.

"Ah, Heaven! my dear Mademoiselle, take care of the candles!" cries Madame Marotte in a shrill whisper. ... "le bras qui venge nos deux frères, Le bras qui rompt le cours de nos destins contraires, Qui nous rend"... Here he lost his place; stammered; and recovered it with difficulty. "Qui nous rend maîtres d'Albe".... Madame Marotte groans aloud in an agony of apprehension

The latter weened to venge straightway his masters, till he then discovered Siegfried's mighty strength; for no match for him was the sturdy dwarf. Like wild lions they ran to the hill, where from Alberich he won the Cloak of Darkness. Thus did Siegfried, the terrible, become master of the hoard; those who had dared the combat, all lay there slain.

When Hagen of Troneg saw Folker dead, that was the greatest sorrow, that he had gained at the feasting in kinsman or in liegeman. Alas, how fiercely Hagen gan venge the knight! "Now old Hildebrand shall not profit by this deed. My helpmate lieth slain by the hero's hand, the best war comrade that I did ever win." Higher he raised his helmet, and ran, slashing as he went.

"Ma soeur, voici le bras qui venge nos deux frères, Le bras qui rompt le cours de nos destins contraires, Qui nous rend maîtres d'Albe" ... A piercing scream from Madame Marotte, a general cry on the part of the audience, and a strong smell of burning, brought the dancing-master to a sudden stop. He looked round, bewildered. "Your wig! Your wig's on fire!" cried every one at once.

I hope the poor devil will get over it. Adieu, my dear lord. If I was prevented from writing by last post, cette fois-ci je m'en suis bein venge. . . . I see your porter every morning in the grove, as he returns from Islington, where he is drinking the waters; he looks a little better, but not much.

In the very doorway of the cottage one had been killed killed facing the enemy the savage blood-thirsty horde who, having learned of the plight of their oppressor, had taken the warpath to venge their wrongs. Surely MacNair must know that this man had died as much in the defense of him as of the women. And yet, when he learned of the death of this man, he had said: "I am damned glad of it!"

Giuseppe Fosculo, adjutant, commander-in-chief of the staff, president. Laffaello Scalfaro, chief of the legion of Lower Calabria. Latereo Natali, lieutenant-colonel of the Royal Marines. Gennaro Lanzetta, lieutenant-colonel of the Engineers. W. T. captain of Artillery. Francois de Venge, ditto. Francesco Martellari, lieutenant of Artillery.