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I am able to speak from personal knowledge: for I have been a nun of Soeur Bourgeoise. The priests are liable, by their dissolute habits, to occasional attacks of disease, which render it necessary, or at least prudent, to submit to medical treatment.

Well, he went to the front as a chaplain and he has been killed. But I go on writing him letters, exactly as if he could give me advice and comfort, or scold me in the old way." "What about your brother? The girl Miss O'Farrell she called herself, I think said he was with you on this journey. And to-day I recognized him at Soeur Julie's, from his likeness to you.

Sur Napoleon au berceau une mere brillait; dans la maison paternelle il avait des freres et des soeurs; plus tard dans son palais il eut une femme qui l'aimait. Mais sur son lit de mort Napoleon est seul; plus de mere, ni de frere, ni de soeur, ni de femme, ni d'enfant!! D'autres ont dit et rediront ses exploits, moi, je m'arrete a contempler l'abandonnement de sa derniere heure!

When she left the convent, some of these love-letters were left behind; and to this day those scandalized doves, to whom Soeur Angelica is forever a lost soul, wonder futilely how those emissaries of Satan penetrated their holy walls. "How did they, do you suppose?" I asked.

I was called sometimes 'Soeur Pacifique', because I did all in my power to maintain harmony between Monsieur and his cousins, La Grande Mademoiselle, they quarrelled very frequently, and always like children, for the slightest trifles. Madame de Ventadour was my Maid of Honour for at least sixteen years.

The ceiling is still decorated with canvas pictures by Rubens representing the apotheosis of James I. The painter received £3,000 for these works. The walls were to have been painted by Vandyke with the History of the Order of the Garter. "What," says Walpole, "had the Banqueting-House been if completed?" Over the entrance is a bronze bust of James I. attributed to Le Soeur.

We will not speak of this again, if you please. Folly is always best forgotten. But Soeur Angélique, if you imagine me to be a blighted being, if you think I walk the floor in the dead of night, tearing my hair and calling on all the stars to witness the unearthly gloom in my racked bosom, you are utterly mistaken. I do nothing of the kind. I am not blighted at all.

A silence, throbbing, intense, fell between them, Rouletta felt her heart-beats swaying her. She opened her lips, but no sound issued. The figure before her was growing misty and she had to wink the tears back into place. "'Ma soeur!" she echoed, faintly. "I love to hear you say that, dear. It has grown to be a caress, a kiss, when you say it. But I've something to tell you " "I know."

In the chapel is the following inscription: "Soeur Bourgeoise, Fondatrice du Couvent" Sister Bourgeoise, Founder of the Convent. Nothing was more common than for the Superior to step hastily into our community-rooms, while numbers of us were assembled there, and hastily communicate her wishes in words like these:

"You said Phebe was the better worth loving of the two," said Mrs. Whittridge, coming to walk up and down the room with him and clasping her hands over his arm. "I used to think, I fancied you cared for the child, that you would care for her." Denham stood still and faced his sister very gravely, "I was growing to care for her, Soeur Angélique," he said.