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VECINA. Lo siento, porque mi hermana lava muy bien ... como que lava a todas las colegialas de Loreto ... y si no fuera por cierta desgracia que tuvo ... ya se lo contaré a usted otro día ... porque ahora estoy de prisa ... agur ... ¿pues no me huele a salchicha quemada? DON EDUARDO. ¡Qué taravilla! DOÑA MATILDE. Y ¡qué mujer tan ordinaria! DON EDUARDO. ¡Así hablas de tu amiga!

This word in explanation has been thrown in to the reader, while Saddletree was laying down, with great precision, the law upon Porteous's case, by which he arrived at this conclusion, that, if Porteous had fired five minutes sooner, before Wilson was cut down, he would have been versans in licito; engaged, that is, in a lawful act, and only liable to be punished propter excessum, or for lack of discretion, which might have mitigated the punishment to poena ordinaria.

This word in explanation has been thrown in to the reader, while Saddletree was laying down, with great precision, the law upon Porteous's case, by which he arrived at this conclusion, that, if Porteous had fired five minutes sooner, before Wilson was cut down, he would have been versans in licito; engaged, that is, in a lawful act, and only liable to be punished propter excessum, or for lack of discretion, which might have mitigated the punishment to poena ordinaria.

Matilde comienza ya a padecer los inconvenientes de su posición: humíllala el casero, humíllala una antigua compañera de colegio, marquesa, que vive en la misma casa, y que dice que una cosa es casarse, y otra enamorarse; en lo cual no parece su señoría un si es no es verde y alegre de cascos: humíllala, en fin, una vecinilla ordinaria entre cotorra y contrabandista: llora Matilde y conoce su yerro.