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You would like to appear as an angel of mercy, eh? Your heart is touched?" "Deeply." "Bastante! There is no more to be said." Longorio rose and went into the next room where were certain members of his staff. After a time he returned with a paper in his hand, and this he laid before Alaire. It was an order for the release of Juan Garcia.

Y por más señas, que aunque no estuvo el tal enlace tan adelantado como el que seis meses antes tuvimos entre manos, lo estuvo sin embargo lo bastante para dar después mucho que hablar a la gente ociosa. DON EDUARDO. ¿Y dice usted que hubo otro seis meses antes que lo estuvo más?

"I mean good for some people and not others." "So-so. Your madre, Gabriela, may probably kill me for saying it but I think you're right. I mean you need kid school and teenager school. Nobody should to be a dummy but some maybe they find that special thing not in classes. You go to bed soon?" "Pronto." "Pronto. Excelente. Necesitas dormir las horas bastante para tener un dia grande por la manana.

That, I make it, comrade, is why he has n't taken so much as a glass of wine since first they were put aboard of us. Bastante! but he must have acquired a thirst by this time to make his temper red-hot." The other laughed sourly. "Poh! I know even a better reason for his going dry than that, Juan. He does n't have chance for a drink alongside of that gray-bellied French priest below.

MARQUESA. En efecto, y me irá muy bien como tengo bastante color ... y luego como ... en tus circunstancias, no puedes soñar en comprarlo.... VECINA. ¡Oh! es caro bocado para un estudiante. MARQUESA. No te debe importar el que yo lo tome ... y que al fin lo tomaré ... ¿qué he de hacer? son tentaciones que....

DOÑA MATILDE. No, eso no ... ya yo que la caoba y la muselina no se han hecho para casas pobres ... pero hay muebles bastante bonitos de cerezo o de nogal ... hay cortinas muy baratas de percal o de zaraza ... y si juntas a eso unas paredes recién blanqueadas, unos pisos muy fregados, unas ventanas con sus correspondientes tiestos de flores, y otras bagatelas semejantes que cuestan poco o nada, resultará de todo cierta elegancia en la misma pobreza, que....

D. Pedro, la hora es bastante inoportuna, y bien sabe Dios que no cómo disculparme con usted. DON PEDRO. ¿De qué, amigo mío? DON EDUARDO. Por una visita realmente demasiado matutina e inesperada. DON PEDRO. ¿Y quién le dice a usted que yo no esperaba esta misma visita? DON EDUARDO. ¿Que me esperaba, dice usted?

During all this time Santiago had uttered never a word, nor would he eat but the smallest portion of food a taste of every dish which he set before his guest. "My son tells the truth," Santiago finally remarked as Billie pushed back his chair with the single word "Bastante," meaning enough. "I always try to," was the smiling rejoinder, for Billie was now in the very best humor.

What the English and Scotch said to their respective bequests is not known, but it is certain that an old Irish priest, supposed to have been a great-grand-uncle of the present Reverend Father Murtagh, on hearing of the bequest to Ireland, fell into a great passion, and having been brought up at "Paris and Salamanca," expressed his indignation in the following strain: "Malditas sean tus tripas! teniamos bastante del olor de tus tripas al tiempo de tu nuida dela batalla del Boyne!"

DON EDUARDO. Pero usted le habrá respondido, según costumbre.... DOÑA MATILDE. Lo bastante para indicarle que esto es la mayor perfección que usted tiene a mis ojos. DON EDUARDO. Muchas gracias. DOÑA MATILDE. En seguida se ha ensangrentado con la familia de usted ... con su persona ... vamos, le aborrece a usted con sus cinco sentidos ... ¡ya ve usted si es injusticia!