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Indeed he was so happy that he would have assented to anything except giving up the hunt. "Von party can go von vay, anoder can go anoder vay. I vill continue mine business. Zee place is more of a paradise zan zee last. Ve must remain two or tree veeks." The hermit glanced at Nigel. "I fear it is impossible for me to do so," said the latter.

It vos awful stuff but I sticks to him aboudt dree veeks. Den I can no more dake it. It makes me so seek to mine stummick dot I gan no more eat anyting. So I say to de steward von morning, 'I gan no more dake dot medticine. I must haf some oder kind. Vell, sir, you should haf seen dot feller look at me.

"'The gentleman does n't pay me by the hour, said Hiram. "'How mosh does he bay you by der veeks? said Hans. "'I don' know as that's any of your business, answered Hiram. "'Faith, we'll make it our business, said Mike Fagan. 'We're Knoights of Labor, we'd have yez to know, and ye can't make yer bargains jist as ye loikes. We manes to know how mony hours ye worrks, and how much ye gets for it.

Indeed he was so happy that he would have assented to anything except giving up the hunt. "Von party can go von vay, anoder can go anoder vay. I vill continue mine business. Zee place is more of a paradise zan zee last. Ve must remain two or tree veeks." The hermit glanced at Nigel. "I fear it is impossible for me to do so," said the latter.

I got him bones an' other bits o' grub, an' kep' 'im in the water-butt for three veeks. Then he began to make a noise v'en I left him; so, bein' sure the bobbies would rout 'im out at last, I took 'im an' sold 'im to the first pleasant lady that seemed to fancy 'im."

Now sir, from private obserwation, the deed is doo to be brought off any time in the next three veeks, and as soon as it's done, v'y then I lays my right 'and on Number Vun, and my left 'and on Number Two, and " "But what about Number Three?" inquired Barnabas. Mr. Shrig paused, glanced at Barnabas, and scratched his ear, thoughtfully. "V'y sir," said he at last, "Number Three vill be a corp."

Replacing them, he gazed intently into the grave countenance of his friend till he had finished speaking. "Are zee raskils near?" he asked, sternly. "No. We have come on many days ahead of them. But we found a party at the river's mouth awaiting their arrival." "Ant zey cannot arrife, you say, for several veeks?" "Probably not even though they had fair and steady winds."

‘I will,’ rejoined the little gentleman, with even greater vehemence an before. ‘Very well,’ said our friend, tucking up his shirt sleeves very calmly. ‘There’ll be three veeks for that. Wery good; that’ll bring me up to the middle o’ next month. Three veeks more would carry me on to my birthday, and then I’ve got ten pound to draw.

Fontenette remarked to her one Sunday afternoon in our garden, that she must have got her English first from books. "Yes," she said, "I didt. Also I have many, many veeks English conversations lessons befo'e Ame'ica. But I cannot se p'onunciation get; because se spelling. Hah! I can not sat spelling get!" O, but didn't I want to offer my services?

Und dere vill not pe frost before two veeks yet! Und you haf forgotten how to vistle. Dere was a valse note in dot last bar." "Watcher know about it?" said Whistling Dick, with tentative familiarity; "you wit yer little Gherman-band nixcumrous chunes. Watcher know about music? Pick yer ears, and listen agin. Here's de way I whistled it see?"