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Tucking his hands into his sleeves, he stood and looked down at Rita Irvin. Her face had acquired a waxen quality, but some of her delicate coloring still lingered, lending her a ghastly and mask-like aspect. Her nostrils and lips were blanched, however, and possessed a curiously pinched appearance.

'You'll never get it out like that, she said sharply. She gave my head a rough touzling and finished me off with something like a box on the ear. 'Lena, you oughtn't to try to wear those slippers any more. They're too small for your feet. You'd better give them to me for Yulka. 'All right, said Lena good-naturedly, tucking her white stockings under her skirt.

And such wasteful cutting of the ham; I had to slice the chunk she gave me over and over again before I could eat it." Georgie felt he could not quite let this pass. "Well, I had an excellent supper," he said, "and I enjoyed it very much. Besides, I saw Peppino tucking in like anything. Ask him what he thought of it." Lucia gave her silvery laugh.

Meanwhile, the beloved makes herself small, opening her wing-cases slightly, hiding her head and tucking her abdomen under her, as though to escape the erotic thunderstorm that is bursting upon her back. But the paroxysm calms down.

He wrote by the light of the flickering candle, hiding the words with his other hand: Fortune favour Faith. Then he slipped the crooked sixpence into the paper, folded it carefully, tucking the ends one into the other, and marked it with a cross. "Hold it tight," he said to the child, closing the fingers of her right hand upon the little packet. "It will let you into the Garden of Good Dreams.

Taking off our shoes and socks, and tucking up our trousers, we commenced our search, armed with our knives and wooden swords. No oysters were to be found on the rocks, or in the shoal water in which we waded. However, we obtained as many mussels and some other shell-fish as we could carry in our pockets; and Ben captured a large crab, which was a prize, we agreed, worth having.

Out in the street Maurice hurried so that Edith, tucking, unasked, her hand through his arm, had to skip once or twice to keep up with him.... "Maurice," she said, breathlessly, "will you let me row?" "O Lord yes! I don't care."

"It's all ready, come on;" and tucking Ted under one arm, and her workbasket under the other, Aunt Jo promptly led the way upstairs. "I don't see anything," said Daisy, staring about her as she got inside the nursery door. "Do you hear anything?" asked Aunt Jo, catching Ted back by his little frock as he was making straight for one side of the room.

'I haven't anything with me, said the American; 'but I can give you a whisky and something to eat at my rooms. 'Right! Thanks very much. Tucking the cape under his arm, and shaking his waterproof cap to clear it of water, Dick Durwent followed the American on to the Embankment, where the two sphinxes of Egypt squatted, silent sentinels.

"However," he went on, sitting down beside her on the wide, low sofa, "something tells me that I shall enjoy extremely having you tell me all about it." Tucking one foot under her, as every girl is taught in the school-room it is most unladylike to do, she turned and faced him. "Mr.