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West of Torchin, near the apex of the Lutsk salient, a strong Russian attack collapsed under German artillery and infantry fire. In Galicia, southwest of Novo Pochaieff, east of Brody, Austro-Hungarian outposts repulsed five Russian night attacks. Gradually the Russians were closing in on the important position of Kolomea, near the northern Bukowina border.

Near Delatyn, in the Carpathian Mountains, there was increased activity. Russian advance guards entered Delatyn, but were driven back to the southern outskirts. Another Russian attack to the southwest of the town broke down under the Austrian fire. There also was a renewal of the fighting in the region southwest of Lutsk, west of Torchin.

Northwest of Rojitche, in northwestern Volhynia, after dislodging the Germans, General Brussilov on June 12, 1916, approached the river Stokhod. West of Lutsk he occupied Torchin and continued to press the enemy back.