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Hylacola pyrrhopygia. cauta, GOULD. Acanthiza pusilla, VIG. and HORSF. uropygialis, GOULD. inornata, GOULD. lineata, GOULD. chrysorrhoea. Epthianura aurifrons, GOULD. tricolor, GOULD. Sericornis frontalis. Pyrrholaemus brunneus, GOULD. Calamanthus campestris.

DIVISION. Vertebrata possessing a back-bone. CLASS. Mammalia such as give suck. ORDER. Ruminantia chewing the cud. FAMILY. With horns. GENUS. Bovidæ the ox tribe. Of this tribe there are eight species: Bos urus, the ancient bison. Bos bison, the American buffalo. Bos moschatus, the musk ox. Bos frontalis, the gayal. Bos grunniens, the grunting ox. Bos caffer, the South African buffalo.

Deer, Virginian, colour of the, not affected by castration; colours of. Deerhound, Scotch, greater size of the male. Defensive orders of mammals. De Geer, C., on a female spider destroying a male. Dekay, Dr., on the bladder-nose seal. Delorenzi, G., division of malar bone. Demerara, yellow fever in. Dendrocygna. Dendrophila frontalis, young of.