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* A coffer of great richness In a pillar's heart they found, Within it lay new banners, With figures to astound. And an instant afterwards, at the accents which she imparted to this stanza, Alarabes de cavallo Sin poderse menear, Con espadas, y los cuellos, Ballestas de buen echar, Gringoire felt the tears start to his eyes.

All this while, Don Hombrecillo was squeaking out from his lair, at the top of his pipe "Padre, padre, trae el puerco, venga el puerco echar el demonio echar el demonio bring the pig, the pig, and cast out the devil." "Mi guitarra, canta, canta y bayle, viejo diablito, canta o yo te matarras Bring my guitar, dance, dance and sing, you little old devil you, or I'll murder you, dankee, dankee."

Starting early, we were on the top of Costalunga about 9 o'clock, were given a guide by an Italian Field Battery on the summit and went on, along a mountain road commanding a magnificent view, to Cima Echar. Here was a good O.P. from which I got my first sight of Monte Sisemol and Asiago, of which part of the campanile was at that time still standing.

DON EDUARDO. No me parece que es eso.... DOÑA MATILDE. Entonces echaré primero el agua.... DON EDUARDO. Tampoco. DOÑA MATILDE. Pues no hay más que echar las dos cosas a un tiempo. DON EDUARDO. Dices bien ... y una onza entera, otra partida ... así no podemos errarla de mucho ... pon más agua. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Si le he puesto cerca de un cuartillo!

It was impossible to get telephonic communication with the Battery from Cima Echar, so we could not, as we had hoped, do from there some registrations on wire and trench junctions on Sisemol, which were among our allotted targets.

No creo que ningún hombre tenga derecho a insultar a una mujer por el hecho de ser su oponente, cuando no lo tiene tratándose de un hombre. Y en el caso de que las pasiones políticas dieran lugar a semejante insulto, ¿no tendría la mujer el mismo derecho para contestar o echar otro insulto?

Una virgin por Dios soy I am young," and seizing a boiled fowl from the dish, she let fly at her husband's head, but missed him, fortunately; whereupon she made a regular grab at him with her paw, but he slid under the table, in all haste, roaring out, "Ave Maria, que es esso manda por el Padre Send for the priest, y trae una puerco, en donde echar el demonio, manda, manda send for a priest, and a pig, into which the demon may be cast, send " "Dexa me, dexa me baylar" continued the old dame "tu no vale, Bobo viejo, you are of no use, you old blockhead you are a forked radish, and not a man let me catch you, let me catch you," and here she made a second attempt, and got hold of his queue, by which she forcibly dragged him from beneath the table, until fortunately, the ribbon that tied it slid off in her hand, and the little Senor instantly ran back to this burrow, with the speed of a rabbit, while his wife sung out, "tu gastas calzones, eh? para que, damelos damelos, yo los quitare?" and if she had caught the worthy man, I believe she would really have shaken him out of his garments, peeled him on the spot, and appropriated them to herself as her threat ran.

Vuelve entonces su esposo, y vienen impacientes papá y el criado honrado; descúbrese la ficción, y se van todos muy convencidos de que para quererse mucho es indispensable por lo menos haber comido algo; verdad indisputable de todos los tiempos y países, y que no bastarán a echar por tierra todas las pasiones reunidas que pueden agitar a un mísero mortal.

Thus the sweat-dripping days passed, without a hint of what might be going on in the world far above, amid the roar and pounding of air and hand-drills, the noisy falling of masses of rock as these broke it loose, the constant ringing of shovels, the rumble of iron ore-cars on their thread-like rails, cries of "'sta pegado!" quickly followed by the stunning, ear-splitting dynamite blast, screams of "No vas echar!" as some one passed beneath an opening above, of "Ahora si!" when he was out of danger; the shrill warning whistling of the peons echoing back and forth through the galleries and labyrinthian side tunnels, as the crunch of shoes along the track announced the approach of some boss; the shouting of the peons "throwing" a loaded car along the track through the heavy smoke-laden air, so thick with the smell of powder and thin with oxygen that even experienced bosses developed raging headaches, and the Beau Brummel secretary of the company fell down once with dizziness and went to bed after the weekly inspection.