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The coffee, however, is repeated frequently throughout the day, and in the summertime fruit is eaten, but eaten sparingly, like everything else. The failings of the repast among all classes lean to the side of simplicity, and the abstemious character of the Venetian finds sufficient comment in his familiar invitation to dinner: "Venga a mangiar quattro risi con me."

Que ella venga y se explique, y si dice que , entonces.... ¿Bruno? BRUNO. Mande usted. DON PEDRO. Porque si dice que no ... ya ve usted ... un buen padre no debe nunca violentar la inclinación de sus hijos. DON EDUARDO. Repito a usted que ella misma.... BRUNO. ¿Llama usted? DON PEDRO. , ¿dónde está la niña? BRUNO. En su cuarto ... representando, a lo que parece, algún paso de comedia.

DON EDUARDO. Qué miedo tenía que D. Pedro no quisiera prestarse a mi proyecto sin saber antes ... y también que el buen Bruno ... pero hasta aquí todo va viento en popa; ahora sólo falta el que Matilde venga, y me ocasión para entablar la comedia ... porque si no consigo hablarla, entonces no cómo podré.... BRUNO. Pues ... lo mismo que su padre. DON EDUARDO. ¡Malo!

Me venga, Federico; me venga, mi querido!" shrieked poor Maria, with a supernatural energy, and with such piercing distinctness that it was heard shrill even above the rolling thunder. I turned to look at Maria another flash. It glanced on the crucifix which the old priest had elevated at the foot of the bed, full in her view. It was nearer, the thunder was louder.

I used to sit and write in the great loft of the lemon-house, high up, far, far from the ground, the open front giving across the lake and the mountain snow opposite, flush with twilight. The old matting and boards, the old disused implements of lemon culture made shadows in the deserted place. Then there would come the call from the back, away above: 'Venga, venga mangiare.

A moment later, the strokes of the sweeps were almost under them. "Que venga," hailed the Captain. The oars were immediately stopped and a trembling voice answered in Spanish: "Fishermen, fishermen; don't shoot."

'Unser vater, der du bist im himmel, sanctificado se el tu nombra; il tuo regno venga." Here Essper George was proceeding with a scrap of modern Greek, when the horsemen suddenly came upon one of those broad green vistas which we often see in forests, and which are generally cut, either for the convenience of hunting, or carting wood.

Aaron laughed outright, arose, and began to shout to the black guide, who, along with Pegtop, had taken the beasts into the wood in search of provender. "Ayez le bont de donnez moi mon cheval? Bring us the horsos, Massa Bungo venga los quadrupedos make haste, vite, mucho, mucho." Come, there is my Massa Aaron once more, at all events, thought I; but oh, how unlike the Aaron of five minutes ago!

Here she threw herself into a chair, being completely blown; but after a gasp or two, she started to her legs again, dancing and singing and snapping her fingers, as if she had held castanets between them, "Venga Venga dexa me baylar Dankee, Dankee la Dankee, Dankee la mi guitarra mi guitarra Dankee, Dankee la ha, ha, ha," and away she trundled down stairs again, where she met the priest who had been sent for, in the lower hall, who happened to be very handsome young man.

Gaspare clapped his hands alternately in front of him and behind him, leaping from side to side, with a step in which one foot crossed over the other, and holding his body slightly curved inward. And all the time he kept his eyes on Delarey, and the wily, merry invitation grew stronger in them. "Venga!" he whispered, always dancing. "Venga, signorino, venga venga!"