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"Wells Pearson, of the Mucho Calor, and Burrows, of Green Valley," was the response. "We want to buy some goods in the store. Sorry to wake you up but we must have 'em. Come on out, Uncle Tommy, and get a move on you." Uncle Tommy was slow, but at length they got him behind his counter with a kerosene lamp lit, and told him of their dire need. "Easter hats?" said Uncle Tommy, sleepily.

On the 30th of October, they steered away towards the place appointed for the rendezvous of the fleet, which was in thirty degrees; and, on the next day, discovered two islands, so well stocked with fowls, that they victualled their ships with them, and then sailed forward along the coast of Peru, till they came to thirty-seven degrees, where, finding neither of their ships, nor any convenient port, they came to anchor, November the 25th, at Mucho, an island inhabited by such Indians, as the cruelty of the Spanish conquerors had driven from the continent, to whom they applied for water and provisions, offering them, in return, such things as they imagined most likely to please them.

She spoke in English because, although Gabriele's Spanish was functional, her vocabulary was callow with a thick American accent. Gabriele introduced herself as Gabriela and the Mexican lady introduced herself as Hilda...de da la de Estrella. She couldn't catch much of it. "Mucho gusto," said Gabriela. "It's a pleasure to meet you," said Hilda.

Vuelve entonces su esposo, y vienen impacientes papá y el criado honrado; descúbrese la ficción, y se van todos muy convencidos de que para quererse mucho es indispensable por lo menos haber comido algo; verdad indisputable de todos los tiempos y países, y que no bastarán a echar por tierra todas las pasiones reunidas que pueden agitar a un mísero mortal.

"'That big sound? says Sancho, grinning. 'The boiler in ice factory he blow up BOOM! Wake everybody up from siesta. Verree sorree. No ice. Mucho hot day. "About sunset I went over to the jail, and they let me talk to O'Connor through the bars. "'What's the news, Bowers? says he. 'Have we taken the town? I've been expecting a rescue party all the afternoon. I haven't heard any firing.

I was attracted by one rude specimen, who seemed bent on getting up a fight. This great rough fellow, of six feet and over, called a trim little poblana to him, with, "hyar, my little muchacha! vamous, and git me some of that'er Pass, good now, and clar!" Then, as the liquor was produced, he offered the waiter a quantity of money, which was unhesitatingly accepted, with a "mucho bueno, señor."

Then turning to the company, he said in a sonorous tone, laying a strong emphasis on the last syllable of every word, according to the custom of the gente rufianesca throughout Spain 'Cavaliers, and strong men, this cavalier is the friend of a friend of mine. Es mucho hombre. There is none like him in Spain. He speaks the crabbed Gitano, though he is an Inglesito.

Coasting along in sight of land, they observed a lofty range of mountains, but the country appeared barren, without water or wood, except here and there, where Spanish settlements had been formed. There being no possibility of obtaining information of the missing ships, they again ran off towards an island called Mucho, on account of its large size.

And you the Highland gentleman! Lo sien sien siento mucho, Senora." "I am at your shoulder, Dugald, do you not know me?" asked the Cornal, gently putting his sister aside. His brother looked and smiled again, but did not seem to see him.

"Oh no mucho mucho," quoth Bang, who was spinning round and round in his shirt on one leg, trying to thrust his foot into his trowsers; but the garment was impervious; and after emulating Noblet in a pirouette, he sat down in despair.