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"Muy bien," pronounced Rimrock as he inspected the ore-sack, "now come with me, Amigo!" Amigo Juan went, and all his friends after him, to see what El Patron would do. Something generous and magnificent, they knew very well, for El Patron was gentleman, muy caballero.

The thing went thus: Chevalier du Muy, who is Broglio's Rear-guard or Reserve, 30,000 foot and horse, with his back to the Diemel, and eight bridges across it in case of accident, has his right flank leaning on Warburg, and his left on a Village of Ossendorf, some two miles to northwest of that.

Then the mahogany-trees, the chicozapotes, and again in the barrancas the candelabra-like cactuses, and higher up the knotted and majestic live oak. An incessant change of plants, trees, and climate. We had been five hours in the saddle, and had already changed our climate three times; passed from the temperate zone, the tierra templada, into the torrid heat of the tierra muy caliente.

Least of all is it any wonder that Ramon Enriquez, gazing with all his soul, says, under his breath, "She is like an angel of heaven; yes, truly an angel is she, my Ysabel." The bells of the Mission ring happily, happily, as the little procession passes into the church: Muy querida, muy querida. Again the bells are swinging and ringing in the hot, sunny air.

After contemplating him for a few seconds, he turned to me, and, inverting the mouth of an empty bottle, to prove satisfactorily that it was empty of the vieux cognac, which was marked on the label, laid it down beside him, saying, "Es muy boracho, Senor, pero es valiente."

DOÑA MATILDE. Me parece mejor que intercale usted entre la segunda y la tercera un gran suspiro para que no sea tan fácil el que yo pueda equivocarme, si acaso hubiera otra intriga amorosa en la calle. DON EDUARDO. Observación muy prudente ... suspiraré entre la segunda y la tercera.

Show me a bank that's quit lendin' money and I'll show you a bank that's due to bust, muy pronto! I got quite a wad in the Merchants and Miners, he says, 'and you alarm me. I'll give you a check for it, and you go there first off to-morrow and see if they'll lend you what you need. You got good security.

"No use arguin'," said Brevoort and Pete caught Brevoort's meaning as another man appeared. "Ask him if Arguilla is here," said Brevoort. And Pete knew that these were Arguilla's men, for none of the Ortez vaquero's carried bolt-action rifles. The sentry replied to Pete's question by poking him in the ribs with the muzzle of his rifle, and telling his to get down muy pronto.

Esto me indica que ha nacido y se ha revelado la conciencia de ese derecho en la mujer filipina y no necesito más; no necesito contar el número y la clase de las que están en esa condición. Rizal en su tiempo al abogar por los derechos políticos de nuestra raza, estaba con muy pocos compañeros; en la mayoría de sus compatriotas, la conciencia de esos derechos estaba dormida.

DON EDUARDO. ¿Quién dice que el dinero no sirve alguna vez de algo? pero no muy a menudo ... y si uno va a considerar todos sus inconvenientes ¿crees que ... no son éstas que dan las nueve? ¡Cáspita y qué tarde!... Con esto y con que haya salido ya mi escribano, nos quedemos también sin comer.... Adiós vida mía, abrázame. DOÑA MATILDE. Anda con Dios.