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Numéro Un. Ainsi les Chauffeurs se vengent. They had carried her to the house, and given her restoratives till she had recovered the feeble use of her speech. Life was ebbing away fast, and they had no resource but to carry her to the nearest hospital, where, of course, the fact of her sex was made known.

So in earlier years her Latin teacher had dilated on the inner meaning of the word. Esther smiled reminiscently and congratulated herself that she was not going tamely back to her work in America, choosing instead, when she found a door open, to enter and explore on the other side. Numéro 86 was a conventional and dignified villa, noncommittal in appearance, like a hundred others.

Numéro Un. Ainsi les Chauffeurs se vengent. They had carried her to the house, and given her restoratives till she had recovered the feeble use of her speech. Life was ebbing away fast, and they had no resource but to carry her to the nearest hospital, where, of course, the fact of her sex was made known.

Esto me indica que ha nacido y se ha revelado la conciencia de ese derecho en la mujer filipina y no necesito más; no necesito contar el número y la clase de las que están en esa condición. Rizal en su tiempo al abogar por los derechos políticos de nuestra raza, estaba con muy pocos compañeros; en la mayoría de sus compatriotas, la conciencia de esos derechos estaba dormida.

Look, for instance, to Cicero at the outset of the Academics: "Tu ætatem patriæ, tu descriptiones temporum, tu sacrorum jura, tu sacerdotum munera, tu domesticam, tu bellicam disciplinam, tu sedem regionum et locorum, tu omnium divinarum humanarumque rerum nomina, genera officia, causas aperuiste: plurimumque poetis nostris omninoque latinis, et literis luminis attulisti, et verbis: atque ipse varium et elegans omni fere numero poema fecisti: philosophiamque multis locis inchoasti ad impellendum satis, ad edocendum parum."

QUID OPUS EST PLURA? sc. dicere. cf. the elliptic phrases quid multa? sc. dicam in 78; also below, 10 praeclare. A 206, c; H. 368, 3, n. 2. SAEPE NUMERO SOLEO: 'it is my frequent custom'. Numero is literally 'by the count or reckoning', and in saepe numero had originally the same force as in quadraginta numero and the like; but the phrase came to be used merely as a slight strengthening of saepe.

See the proceedings of the confederation at Nantes. "Si plures sunt ii quibus improbe datum est, quam illi quibus injuste ademptum est, idcirco plus etiam valent? Non enim numero hæc judicantur, sed pondere. Quam autem habet æquitatem, ut agrum multis annis, aut etiam sæculis ante possessum, qui nullum habuit habeat, qui autem habuit amittat?

Yes! one might well have supposed what reason now demonstrated, indicating those endless spaces which sidereal science would gradually occupy, an echo of the creative word of God himself, "Qui innumero numero innumerorum nomina dicit."

I must certainly put all my clothes over me in addition, unfortunately there is no hearth-rug well, there is no help for it now so let me try to sleep numero vingt-huit."

Jimenez at first demurred but finally consented, and Santana, emerging from retirement, collected a few hundred ragged troops at Sabana Buey, near Azua. Soulouque attempted to move eastward by way of the canon of El Numero, but was prevented by a Dominican force under General Duverge; he then tried the pass of Las Carreras and was met and utterly defeated on April 21, 1849, by General Santana.