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While Miranda was restoring order by boxing the monkey's ears and feeding the shrieking bird from her lips, the door opened to admit the prima amorosa, a lady whose mature charms and mellifluous manner suggested a fine fruit preserved in syrup.

The ardent heart of a great /amorosa/ had ignited within her, she was ready for martyrdom for faith's sake. And when her despairing mother with clasped hands entreated her to resign herself to her conjugal duties, she replied that she owed no duties, since she had known nothing when she married.

The 'Divine Comedy, the 'Trionfi' of Petrarch, the 'Amorosa Visione' of Boccaccio all of them works constructed on this principle and the great diffusion of culture which took place under the influence of antiquity, had made the nation familiar with this historical element.

DOÑA MATILDE. Me parece mejor que intercale usted entre la segunda y la tercera un gran suspiro para que no sea tan fácil el que yo pueda equivocarme, si acaso hubiera otra intriga amorosa en la calle. DON EDUARDO. Observación muy prudente ... suspiraré entre la segunda y la tercera.

But it was especially her eyes that lived, immense eyes, whose infinite depths none could fathom. Was she slumbering? Was she dreaming? Did her motionless face conceal the ardent tension of a great saint and a great amorosa? So white, so young, and so calm, her every movement was harmonious, her appearance at once very staid, very noble, and very rhythmical.

But what a lot of money, what a lot of money it all costs! Aunt says that they will scarcely leave us water to drink." So speaking she laughed with the happy heedlessness of an impassioned amorosa. It was not that the jurisdiction of the Congregations was in itself ruinous; indeed, in principle, it was gratuitous.

The ardent heart of a great amorosa had ignited within her, she was ready for martyrdom for faith's sake. And when her despairing mother with clasped hands entreated her to resign herself to her conjugal duties, she replied that she owed no duties, since she had known nothing when she married.

And it was from a window of the Palazzo Buongiovanni that she had perceived him one afternoon of mortal weariness. He had just raised his head, and she had taken him for ever and given herself to him with those large, pure eyes of hers as they rested on his own. She was but an amorosa nothing more; he pleased her; she had set her heart on him him and none other.

And it was from a window of the Palazzo Buongiovanni that she had perceived him one afternoon of mortal weariness. He had just raised his head, and she had taken him for ever and given herself to him with those large, pure eyes of hers as they rested on his own. She was but an amorosa nothing more; he pleased her; she had set her heart on him him and none other.

You simply want to make me suffer, and you lie, you lie!" Eve's grief at last burst forth in that cry of protest. She no longer knew that she was a mother, and was speaking to her daughter. The woman, the amorosa, alone remained in her, outraged and exasperated by a rival. And with a sob she confessed the truth: "It is I he loves!