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Unless you begin to control your temper, to forget yourself, to kill your wild impulses, to be kind, to learn what love is you'll never last!... In the very nature of things, one comin' after another like your fights with Moore, an' your scarin' of Pronto, an' your drinkin' at Kremmlin', an' just now your r'arin' at me it's in the very nature of life that goin' on so you'll sooner or later meet with hell!

But I'll not stand for any killing from ambush, and no killing of any kind unless it has to be. Understand?" "That sounds to me," purred the smaller man in the Western slang that phrased incredulity. Then, suddenly, he foamed at the mouth. "Keep out of this if you're squeamish. Let me play out the hand. I'll bump him off pronto." "No, Jess." "What do you think I am?" screamed Tighe.

I'll sure find them, and tell them we're packing to leave pronto..... Now, Dad, buy three wagons and teams, grain, grub, and whatever else we need for two weeks or more on the road. Soon as I find Lucy and Mother I'll meet you and help you with the buying." "I ought to talk it over with Ma before I buy grub," replied his father, perplexedly scratching his head. "I wish they was home."

The silence that followed the words of the boy was broken by Quantrell's old grayback. Dave Roush was a bad man a killer. He had three notches on his gun. Perhaps he had killed others before coming West. At any rate, he was no fair match for this undersized boy. "He's a kid, Dave. You don't want to gun a kid. You, Clanton whatever you call yourself light a shuck pronto git out!"

The girl brought him to his senses with a sharp "Easy! Don't talk out. Do you know what'd happen if Dad found me here?" "I " began Terry. But she helped him smoothly to the logical conclusion. "He'd blow your head off, Black Jack; and he'd do it pronto. If you are going to talk, talk soft like me." She sat down on the side of the bed so gently that there was no creaking.

At last he heard steps, then made out an object blacker than the black background. "Found the jail easy, but got off comin' back. Pronto now. Must be near eleven." Pan kept the dark silent moving form in sight. The dim light grew larger. Then the low flat building loomed up faintly in the dense gloom. "Go ahead," whispered Blinky. "I'll hold the hoss."

But Columbine guessed that he had ridden to Kremmling and back in one day, on some order of Jack's. "Miss Collie, I'll tend to Pronto," he offered. "An' yore supper'll be waitin'." A bright fire blazed on the living-room hearth. The rancher was reading by its light. "Hello, rosy-cheeks!" greeted the rancher, with unusual amiability. "Been ridin' ag'in' the wind, hey?

The prisoners were brought in some forty of them, for Old Man Hooper maintained only the home ranch and all his cow hands as well as his personal bravos were gathered here. Buck Johnson separated apart seven of them, and ordered the others into the stables under guard. "Bad hombres, all of them," he observed to Jed Parker. "We'll just nat'rally ship them across the line very pronto.

You're on the wrong trail. What do you think I am?" "Same as I always thought." "Then you want to change your opinion of me," said Collie, relinquishing the tie-rope. "I ain't breaking the law, but you are going to hear more about this." "I'll risk that. You can ride right along, pronto." "And you keep Sarko? I guess not! I'll stick."

We made a bum landing last night or my mechanic did. He claimed he knew this field, so I let him go ahead." "Where is he? Did you let him out?" "I didn't, but I will if he don't show up; pronto." Johnny's tone was the tone of accustomed authority. "He failed to report, this morning."