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As to Dick Taverner, he trembled with rage and jealousy, and began to repent having brought his treasure into such a dangerous neighbourhood. The person who seemed to be most struck with Gillian's charms was the wearer of the Spanish mantle. "En verdad!" he exclaimed, "that is the loveliest piece of rusticity I have seen since I came to England.

Y este Almansa lo hará muy bien, porque es hombre de mucha verdad y recaudo. Y suplico á V. md. no lo ponga en olvido. Perhaps this recommendation was thought suspiciously warm; at any rate, the task was entrusted to Pedro de Almansa, Familiar of the Inquisition at Salamanca. X, p. 176. X, p. 179. XI, p. 271; see also Documentos inéditos, vol.

Verdad!” he pronounced unctuously. “I have come,” Ramon went on more boldly, “because my own lands are in danger, but also because I love the Mexican people, and hate the gringos! Some one must go among these good people and warn them not to sell their lands, not to be cheated out of their birthrights. My friend, I have come here to do that.” “Bueno!” exclaimed Alfego. “Muy bueno!”

"How awful," said Captain Farmer, on the Spaniard's voice failing him at the terrible recollection of his experiences; "but, I can sympathise with you." "Es Verdad, it was awful so awful, that my heart was nigh bursting and my brain seemed on fire," replied the other in a calmer tone.

Es además que dicha causa tiene en un fondo irresistible de verdad y justicia al cual no puede negarse ninguna inteligencia abierta y libre.

Somewhere a woman began to sing, and the liquid Spanish words lulled him asleep. He roused suddenly, his hand flashing under his head before he returned to full consciousness, fingers tightening on the Colt he had placed there. Not the marenorather the pound of running feet and then a cry.... "No, señor, no! No es verdadit is not true! Teodoro, he meant no harm—!" Drew scrambled to the window.

Also, he had left an unsavory memory of himself at San Leon as well as offended his Ute relatives; and White Feather not only prevented harm being done to his Mexican brother-in-law, but also used the occasion to make Alaric subject to himself. Thus it was that he had made the sheep herder take in the sick lad he had found on the trail and swear to be kind to him. "San Lean? Si.... En verdad.

Dorantes well. He is a fine man. But you will soon be avenged, for Huerta's days are short." The woman's eyes snapped. "Es verdad?" meaning, "Is it true?" "It certainly is. Since the Americans have taken Vera Cruz, Gen. Huerta will have to go. It is only a question of a few days." "Bienissimo! The Americans are brave men! My Leocadio was fond of the Americans."

"Es verdad! if we knew when he was in, or when he was out, either." "Ay, knew that, no difficulty, set our trap easy enough, boy Pepe." "He must surely be there in daytime?" "Just been thinking goes to the settlements must be by night, that's clear goes there, boy Pepe, maybe not to rancho, somewhere near. Must go to meet Anton.

Lope de Vega, it may be added, was really the author of a sequel to 'la Verdad sospechosa', which Corneille adapted also as a sequel to his 'Menteur', but it was even poorer than such sequels usually are. The 'Lying Lover' in Alarcon's play is a Don Garcia fresh from his studies in Salamanca, and Steele's Latine first appears there as a Tristan, the gracioso of old Spanish comedy.