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The infinite, the insatiable desire of the human soul, which can never be wholly satisfied, which can never reach its term, this is the passion which possesses Faust, this is the rock upon which the hopes of the poor devil are shipwrecked, the poor devil who in the limitation of the merely critical and negative temper cannot understand that Faust can never be satisfied, will never say to the moment, 'Verweile doch, du bist zu schön. For the drama of Faust is not a drama of damnation, but of redemption, and though the breadth and scope of the whole conception pass beyond all presentation in complete and rounded form, the great tragedy of Gretchen takes us from the splendid but abstract world of ideas into the simplest experience of human life, where Faust becomes human through love itself, but too slowly, too late to avert the tragedy.

The bist thing as I'd advise, sorr, excusin' the liberty, is to get down alongside an' say if she's started anythin'. That big scrape she got as she came over the rafe, I'm afeard, took off a bit av her kale, sorr." "Right you are, Rooney, sensible as ever," said Mr Mackay. "We'll have a boat over the side at once and see to it."

I've heard it, I know somewhere; but no, I can't remember. I try I try to follow the air but no use. And then, presently, one of the notes whispers into my puckering lips a single word "Mariechen." Then other notes whisper others "du süsses Viehchen"; and then others still others "du bist mein alles, bist mein Traum."

Nor will they search in vain for Gissing's incorrigible mannerisms, his haunting insistence upon the note of 'Dort wo du nicht bist ist das Glück, his tricks of the brush in portraiture, his characteristic epithets, the dusking twilight, the decently ignoble penury, the not ignoble ambition, the not wholly base riot of the senses in early manhood.

If you have cared for me enough to stay here all these years and see that I had the bist tratemint you could get for me, why didn't you care for me enough more to save me this? Oh, Dannie, tell me why?" And then she shook with strangled sobs until she scarce could stand alone. Dannie Macnoun cleared the space between them and took her in his arms.

The next moment, to my horror, Alma Pflugel had dropped to her knees before the table in the damp little arbor, her face in her hands, her spare shoulders shaking. "Ich kann's nicht thun!" she moaned. "Ich kann nicht! Ach, kleine Schwester, wo bist du denn! Nachts und Morgens bete ich, aber doch kommst du nicht." A great dry sob shook her.

I suppose it depends somewhat on how things go Friday afternoon." "Oh, they'll go fast enough! That's better suited to your voice than anything you've sung here. That gives you every opportunity I've waited for." Ottenburg crossed the room and standing beside her began to play "DU BIST DER LENZ." With a violent movement Thea caught his wrists and pushed his hands away from the keys.

Like the great Doctor, when he thought he had cheated Mephistopheles at last, I could have cried aloud to the fleeting moment, Verweile doch, du bist so schön! "Are you always gay?" I asked, suddenly. "How happy you must be!" "The days would sometimes seem very long if I were gloomy," she answered, thoughtfully. "Yes, I think I find life very pleasant, and I tell it so."

Thus she sat without a sound or a motion, her heart within her torn with fear and pain, all through the long hours of that night; when the cold, white dawn came up, she was still pressing him to her bosom, sobbing and whispering faintly, "Oh, David! Oh, my poor, poor David!" Hast du im Venusburg geweilt, So bist nun ewig du verdammt! "Then said I, 'Woe is me!

"If Monkey-wrench screws down hard on me, you'll come to the rescue, won't you, Colonel?" "No I'll side with Mac on that subject. Whatever he says, goes!" "Humph! that Jesuit's all right." Not a word out of the Colonel. Tag' mal wer bist du? Ich kenne dich nicht. Luka. Kennst du denn sonst alle Leute? Medwjedew. In meinem Revier muß ich jeden kennen und dich kenn'ich nicht.... Luka.