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Feb. 23. Brite and fair. Gosh what do you think i am going to get a prise in school. last nite i had to go down to old Tom Connors store to get some carosene and old Francis was going down town with Perry Molton and they was talking about who was the best fellers in school and who they was going to give the prises. i lissened and old Francis said Potter and Nipper and Pricilla was going to have prises, only he dident call them Potter and Nipper and Pricilla, but Arthur and Jonny and Charlie, then he said they is one boy who is as smart as enny of them only he dont study much and i had to shake him up laitly and he is doing better now, then Perry he said who is it, and old Francis said i gess i wont tell you his name for he may disapoint me, but he lives on Court Street. i tell you it made me feel all tremly. it coodent be Pewt or Beany becaus they miss there lesons most every day and they aint enny other fellers living on Court Street so it must be me, becaus old Francis shook me and Medo Thirsten up day before yesterday and Medo lives on South Street.

As I was very angry I again opened my window, and he got a cinder in his eye and had to have the Porter get it out. He got out soon after, and he had the impertinance to stop beside me and say: "I hate to disapoint you, but I find I have a clean coller in my bag after all." He then smiled at me, although I gave him no encouragment whatever, and said: "You're sitting up much better, you know.

Is it not the only way a woman can do when in conflict with the Other Sex, to meet Wile with Gile? In other words, to use her intellagence against brute force? I fear so. Men do not expect truth from us, so why disapoint them? During the salid mother inquired what I had done during the afternoon. "I made a few purchaces," I said. "I hope you bought some stockings and underclothes," she observed.

St. is necessary, and I intirely reffer to yourself to diminish or augment, only I beg you be convinced that no selfish interesting view occasions my making this demand, but only that I would be vext want of cash would disapoint either of us in our expectations, since I dow assure you that I dont look upon anything I tuch upon such journeys as solid, for it does not long stick in my pockets.

Rany again. i dident miss in ennything today. i told mother today that i was going to get a prise if i dident disapoint him. so she told father tonite and he said he dident beleive it. he said he had nearly a buchel of prises he got in school and he give them to the fellers to ware in a torchlite percession and they kept them. he said he give all his prise books to the sunday school. he said when he put on all his meddles and walked out they gingled jest like slaybells and glitered so they scart horses. aunt Sarah laffed and said the only prises he wore were black and blew ruler marks that old mister Ellis give him and he got enuf of them to, and she said tell Harry what you left the Academy for, and he said the teachers were down on him becaus he lerned faster than they cood teech, and aunt Sarah said Doctor Sole wood tell a diferent story, and father said that Doctor Sole was a wirthy man but he dident forgive ennyone which was smarter than he was. then father said you talk very strangly Sarah for one of your years and i shall ask the Coart to apoint me as gardeen over you as a person of unsound mind. then father said he had never told ennyone why he left the Academy so suddin, but it was becaus he broak his jaw in 3 places talking Greke to Doctor Sole. well he kept us laffing all the evening and when i went to bed he give me 10 cents so i gess he feels prety good about my prise.