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And I got a hunch that guy has the formula." "What makes you think that?" asked Beany. "I got it too; but I don't believe it." "Dunno," said Beany. "Don't you know how you feel it back of your neck when anybody looks in the window? I know it just like that. An' we got to do this job all alone. I don't like his looks neither.

Beany has been sick he et two mutch pork. May 31. today it was hot and we had a thunder shower. it raned when i was driving the old cow from pasture and i made her run from old Nat Gordons way home. Sam Dire said she wood give bludy milk, so when father milked her i wached and it want a bit red. so i gess she is all rite.

June 12. brite and fair. Beany has a auful sore arm. he dont dass to rassle or fite or do ennything. June 13. brite and fair. Pewt has got one two. tomorrow nite the doctor is coming.

"Boys, did you ever have a hunch?" he said. "Yes, Sir!" they said together. "Silly things hunches; very silly! Never let a hunch spoil what seems to be a very good friendship, or change your opinion of a man." Porky looked quickly up. "I got the same hunch, Colonel," he said. "Same man," added Beany. "Eh, what's this?" demanded the Colonel.

I saw some wild geese flying over today. it made me feel funny to hear them holler. me and Potter and Chick went out in the woods today with our bows and arrows and bilt a fire and fride some potatose. Mar. 25. this is the last day of vacation. Beany and Pewt have had a auful row, Beany says Pewt sold all the iron and nails and kept most of the money.

Beany followed his mother into the kitchen. She had hurried out to wipe her eyes. "Didn't think we'd be home, did you, mom?" asked Beany, pretending to look in the sugar bowl. "I kind of plotted on it," said Mrs. Potter. "I felt like it was a good thing to be on the safe side." She opened a tin box, and drew forth a cake, a glorious large, dark, chocolate layer cake.

He has to ring it at 7 oh clock in the morning and at 1 oh clock in the afternoon and at 9 oh clock in the nite except Saturday nites when they ring it at 8 oh clock so that peeple can get there baths before bedtime. Me and Beany are going to lern to ring it. June 24.

I worry about the Colonel. I don't know how well he can swim, or anything about it. He'd catch cold, too, like as not!" He grinned. "Say, do you know what I did back home? I knew you'd laugh if I told you. I bought a couple pounds of " "Chocolate," completed Beany. "I did too." "Any malted milk tablets?" asked Porky. "Yep, a couple of bottles." "Oh, gee! Doesn't it beat anything?

"Got a knife?" Guided by Porky's voice, Beany and the Sergeant raced across the grass. "Here I am!" said Porky, cocky as you please. "Say, I wish you could see this knot! I have worked about all night over it, and it gets tighter and tighter." The Sergeant whipped out a knife and cut the cord. "Who tied you up?" he asked.

The Weasel made a mighty effort. "Number three hundred and one " His voice trailed off into silence. "He's dead," said Beany. "What shall we do?" said Hen. "He's not dead, but pretty close to it. We will have to get him to a hospital, and wait for him to give the street that house is on. That means the kid will be murdered before that time, I suppose. Gee, it's awful."