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Beany he raked up Gims front yard to pay him. Beany is a prety good feller. Fatty had company to his house and we dident go to ride tonite. it was two bad. May 17. rany as time. we coodent go to ride today. it always ranes jest when a feller wants to do some thing. May 18. it raned all yesterday and last nite and today. i bet it will rane a week. we are having prety tuf luck.

Beany has been sick he et two mutch pork. May 31. today it was hot and we had a thunder shower. it raned when i was driving the old cow from pasture and i made her run from old Nat Gordons way home. Sam Dire said she wood give bludy milk, so when father milked her i wached and it want a bit red. so i gess she is all rite.

Apr. 6. brite and fair. i hoped it wood rane today so we coodent dig. but it dident. if they had been a circus it wood have raned like time. last nite we dug some more. father started all rite but jest then he said he had got to go down town with mother. so i dug until Beany and Pewt came over and then we begun to plug peaces of dirt at Charly Dire and after a while somebody broke a window in Sam Dires house.

Feb. 18, 186- it snowed today, and then it raned. Feb. 19. we have vacation in about 2 weeks. Feb. 20. i shall be glad when spring comes. i wet my feet most every day. Feb. 21. we are going to have a school xibision at the end of this tirm and old Francis says he is going to give prises to the best scholars.

May 6. my hens dont lay enny now. i gess i dont give them enuf to eat. it is prety hard to keep a horse and hens two. we dident drive tonite becaus it raned. it was brite and fair yesterday. May 7. today was sunday and we coodent drive lady Clara. tomorrow nite we are going to lay for old man Churchil with his troter. i bet we can beat him.

Feb. 12. it raned hard all day. Keene and Cele had to go to church and so i had to go two. they wasent many there. it ranes now. Feb. 13. it raned hard all nite. i cood hear it agenst the window and hear the wind blow. it is comfertible to be in bed and hear the rane. only i forgot my kindlings and i had to get up before six oh clock this morning. Feb. 14.

Beany kept sticking his head out from behind the organ and making up faces at me to make me laff out loud till the minister spoke to him and he felt prety cheep. Jan. 23. snowed and raned today both, i had my sled painted today. it is painted black with a gold stripe and Exeter Boy in gold letters on it. Mister Purington Pewts father painted it. i went to school today. nobody got licked.

December 2. rany. i forgot to say it raned yesterday too. i got cold and have a red rag round my gozzle. December 2. pretty near had a fite in schol today. Skinny Bruce and Frank Elliot got rite up with there fists up when the bell rung. it was two bad, it wood have been a buly fite. i bet on Skinny. December 3, 186- brite and fair. went to church today.

Brite and fair. when father came home i told him i had filled up the geese pond and he asked me where the tub was and when i said i had filled it up he said i was a loonatic and dident know enuf to go in when it raned. so he made me dig out the tub and fill in the hole. i tell you i have to wirk prety hard. Apr. 25.

Aug. 27. brite and fair. nothing but church. Aug. 28. rany as time. jest the luck. i coodent sleep enny last nite thinking about staying out all nite. ennyway i dident go to sleep til most morning and when i woke up it was raning hard, and it raned hard all day. it has stoped now. they wasent enny fun today.