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The call of the wild, by the time it had filtered into his city abode, was only a feeble cheep. But he answered it daily from his rooms to the store in the morning, from the store to his rooms in the evening. It must have been fully ten blocks each way. There are twenty New York blocks to the mile.

And then, from deep back in the forests, came a cry that was filled with both hunger and defiance the wailing howl of a wolf. With these night sounds came the first cheep, cheep, cheep of the little brush sparrow, still drowsy and uncertain, but faintly heralding the day. Wings fluttered in the spruce and cedar thickets. From far overhead came the honking of Canada geese flying southward.

Everything was hushed; there was no sound but the cocks crowing irritably at one another in the village, producing in every one who heard them a strange sense of drowsiness and ennui; and somewhere, high up in a tree-top, the incessant plaintive cheep of a young hawk.

Leaning against the tree Miltoun gave himself to memory. From the silent boughs which drooped round his dark figure, a little sleepy bird uttered a faint cheep; a hedgehog, or some small beast of night, rustled away in the grass close by; a moth flew past, seeking its candle flame. And something in Miltoun's heart took wings after it, searching for the warmth and light of his blown candle of love.

If the Federals win, as I hope they may, and occupy the Island and Plymouth and other points about here, our stay-at-home rebels will crawl into their holes, and you will not hear a cheep from them." "But all that is in the future," said Mrs. Gray. "And what we want to know is how to conduct ourselves to-day," added Marcy. "I know that, and, as I said before. I am going to trust to luck.

Suddenly some belated little bird alighted upon the window-sill, and, in what he no doubt considered sleepy tones, enunciated the noise generally translated as "cheep!" I leaped into the air. "Hey! what's the matter down there?" called John from his room above mine. "Oh, nothing," I answered, "except that I accidentally bumped my head against the ceiling."

"But I'm all ready for him." So he got out some of his sharpest stickery quills to jab into the burglar fox, and the noise still kept up: "Cheep! Cheep! Yip! Yip! Yap! Yap! Cheep-chap!" "That doesn't sound like a fox," said the rabbit, listening with his two ears. "No, it doesn't," admitted the porcupine, and he stuck his quills back again like pins in a cushion.

A wind had got up, and one of last year's oak leaves which had somehow survived the gardener's brooms, was dragging itself with a tiny clicking rustle along the stone terrace in the twilight. Except for that it was very quiet out there, and he could smell the heliotrope watered not long since. A bat went by. A bird uttered its last 'cheep. And right above the oak tree the first star shone.

If you shall have possible to take your sheep from nous autres Francais d'accord. Every man for himself et sa nation. Zere is the pavillion Francais and zere it shall fly, so long as we shall not help mais parole d'honneur, ze prize come cheep, and shall be sell very dear entendez vous? Bien.

His back stiffened, and the spirit of a general looked out of his eyes. "They will follow where I bid. There's no a man of them dare cheep at what I tell them." "My work is done," I said. "I go to whence I came. And some day I shall go to Cramond and tell Alison that John Gib is no disgrace to his kin." "Would you put up a prayer?" he said timidly. "I would be the better of one."