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"But I'm all ready for him." So he got out some of his sharpest stickery quills to jab into the burglar fox, and the noise still kept up: "Cheep! Cheep! Yip! Yip! Yap! Yap! Cheep-chap!" "That doesn't sound like a fox," said the rabbit, listening with his two ears. "No, it doesn't," admitted the porcupine, and he stuck his quills back again like pins in a cushion.

So now, with the passing of every instant, things were growing more and more solemn. Doubtless the chair on which David was sitting was partly to blame. It was such a slippery seat that if one didn't hold on tight he would be sure to slide right off. There were stickery things in it, too, for the hair-cloth was getting all worn out. The little boy sat politely on the stickery things and waited.

There's the snake's hole!" cried Uncle Wiggily, and he jumped to one side. "Ha! I'm ready for him!" called the porcupine, and he got some of his stickery quills ready to jab into the snake. But the snake was out on a big rock, sunning himself in the hot sun, though when he heard the rabbit and porcupine talking he made a jump for them and tried to catch them.

And if you stand too close I know He'll stick one in your little toe. Well, that's just what Uncle Lucky did, and of course he got stuck with one of those prickly, stickery porcupine needles and it was an awful bother to get it out.

Catching up his crutch and valise, he gave one tremendous and extraordinary springery-spring, and over the prickery stickery briar and bramble bushes he went, flying through the air, and the snake couldn't get him. But when Uncle Wiggily came down on the other side of the bushes! Oh, my! that was a different story. For where do you imagine he landed?

"All right, it is hoisted!" answered the Sergeant, and he tied his handkerchief on the end of his gun, where the stickery thing, called a bayonet, was fastened. "We surrender!" said the Sergeant. "All right! Stop firing!" called the Captain to his men. "We have captured the enemy and the battle is over." "I'm so glad it was only a make-believe one, and no one was hurt," sighed the Rag Doll.

Hurry, and keep a sharp lookout for the old beast. My, but these bushes are stickery!" "I should say they are," Cherry agreed, ruefully eyeing her bleeding hands. "I don't believe it is going to be any fun picking raspberries. They are lots worse than blackberries." "S'posing we had been the prince who crawled through the hedge to wake Sleeping Beauty.

Instead of her mother who was coming along the jungle path, it was a big prickly hedgehog with sharp quills all over his back, and when Boo put out her paw she was stuck full of stickery quills. The quills in a hedgehog's back are loose, and come out easily. "Boo! Boo!" roared the little lion cub girl, but this time she was crying instead of trying to make believe scare some one.

But amid the confusion Miss Edith found a chance to say a final word to me. "Don't you try," she said, as I was about to mount my bicycle, "to keep those holly sprigs in your brain until Christmas. They are awfully stickery, they will not last, and, besides, there will not be any Christmas." "And how about New-Year's Day?" I asked. "That is the way to talk," skid she.

"Watch out for the wushky-woshky," called the bush to the rabbit, as she waved her friendly stickery branches at him. "I will," he said, and then he passed up over the hill and out of sight. The first place he came to was an old hollow stump, where an old owl had once lived. The rabbit looked down inside the stump, but there was no fortune there.