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I can just close my eyes and see the Theater dark, and the stage almost dark, and just those bubbles coming up and breaking. Would you have to have a tank?" "I darsay," I replied dreamily. "Let the other people worry about that. I can only give them the material, and hope that they have intellagence enough to grasp it."

Not clearly, perhaps, but I have a gleam of intellagence." "But, after all, there was such a person. That's clear, isn't it? And now he considers that we are engaged, and and he insists on marrying me." "That," he said, "is realy easy to understand. I don't blame him at all. He is clearly a person of diszernment." "Of course," I said bitterly, "you would be on HIS side. Every one is."

"And he began hopparating on that singlar and ingenus elecktricle inwention, which aniliates time, and carries intellagence in the twinkling of a peg-post. "'I'll ask, says he, 'for child marked G. W. 273. "Back comes the telegraph with the sign, 'All right. "'Ask what he's doing, sir, says my wife, quite amazed. Back comes the answer in a Jiffy

Stripped of the things that baffle my intellagence, that's it, isn't it?" I rose in excitement. "Then, if he lives in the building, the letter is probably here. Why can't you go and get it for me?" "Very neat! And let you slip away while I am gone?" I saw that he was still uncertain that I was telling him the truth. It was maddening. And only the Letter itself could convince him.

Is it not the only way a woman can do when in conflict with the Other Sex, to meet Wile with Gile? In other words, to use her intellagence against brute force? I fear so. Men do not expect truth from us, so why disapoint them? During the salid mother inquired what I had done during the afternoon. "I made a few purchaces," I said. "I hope you bought some stockings and underclothes," she observed.

Oh, magic eyes of afection, which see the beloved object as containing all the virtues, including strong features and intellagence! Oh, dear dead Dreams, when I saw myself going down the church isle in white satin and Dutchess lace! O Tempora O Mores! Farewell.

I am telling you, because although having grape fruit mostly, some morning some one may order an orange, and one should be very careful THESE DAYS." Shall I ever forget his face as he went out? No, never. He knew that I knew, and was one to stand no nonsense. But I had put him on his guard. It was to be a battle of Intellagence, his brains against mine.

"Stupid things!" I always said. "Nothing in their heads but football and tobacco smoke. Women," I said, "are only their playthings. And when they do grow up and get a little intellagence they use it in making money."