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If you'll keep Leila out of this room, which isn't much but is my Castle while here, I'll probably go to bed early." "Barbara, sometimes I think you have no afection for your Sister." I had agreed to honesty January first, so I replied. "I have, of course, mother. But I am fonder of her while at school than at home.

Hannah was in my room, making a list of six of everything which I needed, so I dared not call out. But we exchanged gestures of afection and trust across the void, and with a beating heart I retired to bed. Before I slept, however, I put to myself this question, but found no anser to it.

I only repeat this to show how even my father, with all his afection and good qualities, did not understand and never would understand. My Heart was full of a longing to be understood. I wanted to tell him my yearnings for better things, my aspirations to make my life a great and glorious thing. He gave me five dollars instead. Think of the Tradgedy of it!

For during the love seens one can then fancy that the impasioned speaches are being made to oneself, by the object of one's afection. In short, one becomes, even if but a time, the Heroine. But I was to have no privacy. "Bab," Sis said, in a more mild and fraternal tone, "I want you to do somthing for me." "Why don't you go and get it yourself?" I said. "Or ring for George?"

I cannot change my Nature." "Just what do you mean by afectionate?" he asked, in a stern voice. "Is it afectionate for you to sit over there and not even let me hold your hand? If that's afection, give me somthing else." Alas, it was but to true. When away from me I thought of him tenderly, and of whether he was thinking of me. But when with me I was diferent.

But he did not come, and I was wakened on the library table at 8 A. M. by George coming in to open the windows. I was by that time looking pale and thin, and my father said to me that morning, ere departing for the office: "Haven't anything you'd like to get off your chest, have you, Bab?" I sighed deeply. "Father," I said, "do you think me cold? Or lacking in afection?" "Certainly not."

Oh, magic eyes of afection, which see the beloved object as containing all the virtues, including strong features and intellagence! Oh, dear dead Dreams, when I saw myself going down the church isle in white satin and Dutchess lace! O Tempora O Mores! Farewell.

This we looked upon to be Afection that hardly answer'd any purpose, unless it was leting us see how the Dutch had insinuated themselves into favour with these people, which never could be his intention. However, both he and the King still promised we should have what we wanted, but pretended the Buffaloes were far in the Country, and could not be brought down before night.

Tonight she said: "Bab, suppose we have a little talk. I have been thinking all day what I would do if you were a boy, and took it into that Patriotic head of yours to enlist. I couldn't bear it, that's all." I was moved to tears by this afection on the part of my dear Parent, but I remembered being Captain of the Corps, and so did not weep.

So he apologised, and came and sat beside me, without being a nusance, and asked me what my other troubles were. "Carter" I said, in a grave voice, "I know that you beleive me young and incapable of Afection. But you are wrong. I am of a most loving disposition." "Now see here, Bab," he said. "Be fair. If I am not to hold your hand, or or be what you call a nusance, don't talk like this.