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He knew nothing of the pistol which the Gardeen Angel kept under his wing for him, but Whisky Jim had threatened that he shouldn't enjoy his claim long. Jim had remarked to several people, in his lofty way, that Minnesoty wuz a healthy place fer folks weth consumption, but a dreffle sickly one fer folks what jumped other folks's claims when they wuz down of typus.

He don't need to have you try to enlighten Him as if you wuz His gardeen as I have heard folks do time and time agin. He knows what we are, what we need.

Sez I for here my gardeen angel hunched me hard and told me that here wuz a chance to do good mebby the Governor could carry out the wishes of him that wuz gone sez I, "Another great thing that Jonesville and I approve of wuz Senator Stanford's bill about lendin' money."

Sometimes a patient Chinaman, flappin' of the flies with his pigtail, will industrusly manufacture that same per schedule out of common, ordinary lead, and, by exercisin' the art of gildin', almost whip-saw people by the name of Scraggs, if so it hadn't 'a' been their gardeen angel moved 'em to try a sample with the edge of a knife. "Was I warned?

She wuz jest out of school, had been to Paris for a few months to take special studies in music and languages; a relation on her ma's side, a kind of gardeen, travelin' with her.

'What you adoin' of here, says I. 'Seems to me you're prowling around mighty permiscuous, buntin' inter people on the State stage road. You git inter the bresh, says I, 'where you belong or I'll kick a few dents into you. Now don't stand here argifying the pint, says I, just as important as if I was the Gardeen of the Valley, which I wasn't.

He don't need to have you try to enlighten Him as if you wuz His gardeen as I have heard folks do time and time agin. He knows what we are, what we need.

It's little eneuch to be sure, but he's welcome to it, an' so's 'is father an' 'is mother an' 'is gardeen; an' that's what I tellit Muster Sharpman 'imsel'. An the lad's as guid to them as 'e has been wi' me, they'll unnerstan' as how his company's a thing ye canna balance wi' gold an' siller." Mrs. Burnham leaned over to Goodlaw and whispered something to him.

"I wuz a poet; now I'm a gardeen angel. I tole you I wouldn' do nothin' desperate tell I talked weth you. That's the reason I didn' shoot him t'other night. When you run him off, I draw'd on him, and he'd a been a gone sucker ef't hadn' been fer yore makin' me promise t'other day to hold on tell I'd talked weth you. Now, I've talked weth you, and I don't make no furder promises.

He looked more wild and savage than usual. "Hello! my friend," said Charlton heartily. "I'm glad to see you. What's the matter?" "Well, Mister Charlton, I'm playin' the gardeen angel." "Guardian angel! How's that?" "I'm a sorter gardeen of your sister. Do you see that air pistol? Hey? Jist as sure as shootin, I'll kill that Wes'cott ef he tries to marry that angel. I don't want to marry her.