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"Say, Bangs, if ve could put this vedding into a play, just like they done it here, ve could vake up Broadvay a little ain't it?" Bangs nodded, vaguely. His brown eyes were alternately on the bride and on his chum and partner, her brother. He was conscious of an odd depression, of an emotion, new and poignant, that made him understand the tears of Barbara's women friends.

"Come on, Geoff, Aaron's talking in his sleep! Come on, we'll go on to Mendelbaum's; see we want shirts, an' ties, an' socks, an' collars, an' " Salesman. "Vait vait! Mendelbaum's a grafter vait! I got th' best selection of socks an' ties on Ninth Av'noo, an' here's a neglegee shirt with turnover cuffs an' only fifty cents. But at Mendelbaum's or on Broadvay " In this way Mr.

Dere's fifty cents' vorth of dye in dem shtripes, an' I'll give it you for seventy-five cents! On Broadvay " Spike. "We're gettin' there, Ikey, we're gettin' there; keep on, fifty's the call!" Salesman. "Fifty cents! Oi! Oi! I vould be ruined! A neglegee boosom and turnover cuffs! Vell, vell I'll wrap it up, so an' I make you a present of it for sixty! An' on Broadvay " Spike.

"Here vos a shirt as can't be beat for der money neglegee boosom an' turnover cuffs, warranted shrunk, and all for vun dollar." Spike. "Come off, Aaron, come off! Fifty cents is th' bid!" Salesman. "Fifty cents? Vy, on Broadvay dey'd sharge you " Spike. "Wake up, Ike! This ain't Broadway! And fifty's the limit!" Salesman. "But shust look at dem pink shtripes so vide as an inch!