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Mike, you go up and ask my little girl Masie if she can find dot big tureen vich I bought from old Mrs. Blobbs who keeps dot old-clothes place on Second Avenue. And you vas sure about dis china?" "Very sure." "How do you know?" "From the mark." "Vot's it vorth?" "The cups and saucers would bring about two pounds apiece in London.

"And now tell me vot dis tureen is vorth?" he asked as Mike reappeared and set it on the table, backing away with the remark that he'd go now, Mrs. Cleary would be wantin' him. Kling moved the relic toward the expert for closer examination. "Don't trouble yourself, Mr. Kling; I can see it.

The vorth noight arter we got there Sally's husband said: 'You be a going vor to have your wish; the wind be a getting up, and we are loike to have a big storm on the coast tomorrow. And so it war. Oi can't tell you what it war loike, oi've tried over and over again to tell Polly, but no words as oi can speak can give any idee of it. "It war not loike anything as you can imagine.

I am Cheorge Dargo, ant vere I haf not been it is nod vorth vile to co; and vot I do not know apout a theatre it is not vorth vile to learn. Sdob vith me, and I will deach you your business. The company played a week within five miles of Castle Barfield, and Paul snatched an hour for home.

Pickwick and his portmanteau were thrown into the vehicle. 'Golden Cross, said Mr. Pickwick. 'Only a bob's vorth, Tommy, cried the driver sulkily, for the information of his friend the waterman, as the cab drove off. 'How old is that horse, my friend? inquired Mr. Pickwick, rubbing his nose with the shilling he had reserved for the fare. 'Forty-two, replied the driver, eyeing him askant.

Yes, yes, but I expect you to use your common sense!” That was his invariable comeback. Now on the odder hand if you don't put on enough, vhy of course you see it's dis vay, naturally a guest vants to get his money's vorth, you can see dat for yourselfyou've just got to use your common sense, you can see dat for yourself.” Not once, but day after day, night after night. Poor, poor Mrs. Schmitz!

I cleared op a bagful of stuff in the dining-room... there vosn't, anything vorth snatching outer the parlor... and sixty-five quid out of an old cigar-box in the desk. The police 'as got it... I give it all back! I say I haf stolen, but murder? No!" He paused. "Go on," said the Chief. The prisoner looked about him in a frightened way.

"But we will talk, and to some purpose," I replied, indignant at the outrage that was to be committed upon us. "No, don't you say one vord, 'cos it vouldn't help the matter, and he could hinjure you more than the 'osses is vorth. Do you take and sell 'em. Don't you know some covey vot has got the ready tin vould buy 'em?"

Und so I shall get soaked! Gott in Himmel, it ought to be vorth more! Vun dollar und a quarter, und a day like dis! But you understand now you vill pay me de rest of twenty-five dollars soon?" "As soon as I can." "Some time dis mont'?" "Yes, within a month," said poor Jurgis. "Anything! Hurry up!" "Vere is de dollar und a quarter?" persisted Madame Haupt, relentlessly.

Buy good but cheap chunks of beef an' mutton an' wegetables, an' make stews an' meat pies an' rich soups, an' say yer prayers hagainst hall trashy things as hain't vorth the trouble of heatin'. Heggs, too, ven ther're plenty, hare fust-rate, an' milk is better than so much tea an' coffee, heven if the milkman do spill it in the brook an' pick it hout hagain before we get it.