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Why, Sir, he's an old friend, and you could not pleasantly ask him to volunteer to bare his waypon against the boosom of his friend. No, Sir, shivalry is the handmaid of Christian charity, and honour walks hand in hand with the human heart! With this noble sentiment he bowed and shook Nutter's cold, hard hand, and then Puddock's plump little white paw.

Flynn said: "'Tis one that a man that's a man should do annything for, was it havin' the heart cut out uv him, or givin' the last drop uv his blood. Shure, for such as her, murder, or false witness, or givin' up the last wish or thought a man hugged to his boosom, would be as aisy as aisy."

Dere's fifty cents' vorth of dye in dem shtripes, an' I'll give it you for seventy-five cents! On Broadvay " Spike. "We're gettin' there, Ikey, we're gettin' there; keep on, fifty's the call!" Salesman. "Fifty cents! Oi! Oi! I vould be ruined! A neglegee boosom and turnover cuffs! Vell, vell I'll wrap it up, so an' I make you a present of it for sixty! An' on Broadvay " Spike.

Flynn said: "'Tis one that a man that's a man should do annything for, was it havin' the heart cut out uv him, or givin' the last drop uv his blood. Shure, for such as her, murder, or false witness, or givin' up the last wish or thought a man hugged to his boosom, would be as aisy as aisy."

I hearn thare was to be a show up to Mr Platt's Haul on the occashun allewded to; so I took Maria An an' the children with the excepshun of the smollest wun, which, under the inflewence of tired Nachure's sweet restorer, Missis Winslow's Soothin Syrup, was rapped in barmy slumbers up to prayer meetin; and after havin excoosed myself to the pardner of my boosom, on the plee of havin swallered a boks of Bristol's Sugar-Coated Pills, I slipt out and went down to the Haul, thinkin I would have a little relaxation.

"Ernest whipped, I know," cried Henry Holmes. "The teacher was licked good good!" shouted Isaac Bolum. "No, boys," said Josiah solemnly, "that couldn't have been. Even in fairy stories sech things couldn't happen. But when the dust cleared away, Leander's body lay along the floor, and towerin' over him, one foot on his boosom, stood the darin' scholar. I guess the teacher had been took ill."

"Here vos a shirt as can't be beat for der money neglegee boosom an' turnover cuffs, warranted shrunk, and all for vun dollar." Spike. "Come off, Aaron, come off! Fifty cents is th' bid!" Salesman. "Fifty cents? Vy, on Broadvay dey'd sharge you " Spike. "Wake up, Ike! This ain't Broadway! And fifty's the limit!" Salesman. "But shust look at dem pink shtripes so vide as an inch!