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"It ain't as pretty as your coon-skin," she said critically; "you'd look lovely in that suit with your coon-skin cap but hold on don't take it off I want Bolum to see you." She ran from the room and we heard her calling from the porch: "Bo-lum Bo-lum Isaac Bo-oh-lum." Isaac was at the store. It seemed to me that his wife should have known that without much research.

Cardinalis mittet illuc nescio quem, aut committet uni propediem discessuro. Nollem hunc tantum bolum de faucibus nostris cadere; itaque matura, ac diligenter; ne dormias. Nam haec vir ille ita affirmavit, ut quamvis verbosior videretur, tamen nulla esset causa, cur ita impudenter mentiretur, praesertim nullo proposito mentiendi praemio.

Then turning to Isaac, measuring every word, in a voice clear and cutting, his long forefinger shaking, he cried: "From the bloody battlefields of Cuby, from her tropic camps where you suffered and bled, you come home to us to-day. You have fought in the cause of liberty. To your country you have give a limb you " Poor Bolum!

"Ernest whipped, I know," cried Henry Holmes. "The teacher was licked good good!" shouted Isaac Bolum. "No, boys," said Josiah solemnly, "that couldn't have been. Even in fairy stories sech things couldn't happen. But when the dust cleared away, Leander's body lay along the floor, and towerin' over him, one foot on his boosom, stood the darin' scholar. I guess the teacher had been took ill."

"And a be-yutiful place they're makin' of it," cried Isaac Bolum; "be-yutiful!" "They've added a fancy porch," Henry explained, "and are gittin' blue glass panes for the front door." "We've three spring-beds in town now," put in Isaac in his slow, dreamy way. "If I mind right the Spikers bought theirs before war was declared, so you've seen that one.

"I said Pleasantville," cried Henry angrily. "I apologize," returned Isaac. "I thought you said Meadowville, and never havin' been there, I didn't see how I could imagine the station." "It seems to me, Isaac Bolum," retorted Henry with dignified asperity, "that with your imagination you could conjure up a whole railroad system, includin' the freight-yard. But Mr. Thomas has the floor."

"I understood from your original account that he died in battle." "I tho't so too, Henery," put in Isaac Bolum. "You misled me, complete. 'Here, says I, 'at last I have met a man who has licked the teacher. And all the time you was tellin' about it, we was admirin' you Joe Nummler and me and now we finds Gil Spoonholler lived fifty-seven year after that terrible struggle."

Bolum was there with a tumbler of jelly; Mrs. Tip Pulsifer had brought her "paytent gradeated medicent glass," hoping it would be useful; Mrs. Henry Holmes had no idea what was needed, but just grabbed a hot-water bottle as she ran.

Mebbe it's my sight as is the trouble, but it seems to me, as I see you now without my glasses, you're just about the prettiest man that ever come to Six Stars." "Lord, ma'am," protested Tim. "And how is Mr. Bolum?" "And such a lovely suit," continued the old woman, cautiously approaching and moving her hand across my brother's chest.

Over and over I asked myself the question, and when I touched its every phase I found that Henry Holmes or Isaac Bolum, some one of the store worthies, had met defeat there before me. At last I gave up, and by a sudden thought arose and pulled on my overcoat, and got my hat. Tim was surprised. "You are not going out?" he said.