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Now they's nothin' sweeter'n a tin horn, 'thout 'tis a melodious conch-shell utterin' its voice like a turkle-dove. Then we've got the paytent double whirlymagig hoss-violeen, and the tin pannyforte, and, better nor all, the grindin' skelletled cymbals. We've laid ourselves out and done our purtiest hain't we, feller-musicians? to prove that we was the best band on the Ohio River.

"Say, what d' you think o' paytent med" "Some of 'em are boss. But y' want 'o know what y're gitt'n'." "What d' ye think o' Dodd's" "Best in the market." Uncle Ethan straightened up and his face lighted. Doudney went on: "Yes, sir; best bitter that ever went into a bottle. I know, I've tried it. I don't go much on patent medicines, but when I get a good" "Don't want 'o buy a bottle?"

"Say, what d' you think o' paytent med-" "Some of 'em are boss. But y' want 'o know what y're gittin'." "What d' ye think o, Dodd's-" "Best in the market." Uncle Ethan straightened up and his face lighted. Doudney went on: "Yes, sir; best bitter that ever went into a bottle. I know, I've tried it. I don't go much on patent medicines, but when I get a good-" "Don't want 'o buy a bottle?"

"Yes, I do, my aged friend, a heap sight more'n I do in some of them that purtends to hev a paytent right on all his blessins, and that put on solemn airs and call other denominations hard names. They's lots o' bad eggs got slick and shiny shells!" Mr.

"There are usually servants about the place," said Demorest, carelessly. "Ef they're the same breed ez that Manuel, I reckon I'd almost as leave take my chances in the road. Ef it's all the same to you I kalkilate to put a paytent fastener to my door and winder to-night. I allus travel with them."

Bolum was there with a tumbler of jelly; Mrs. Tip Pulsifer had brought her "paytent gradeated medicent glass," hoping it would be useful; Mrs. Henry Holmes had no idea what was needed, but just grabbed a hot-water bottle as she ran.

"Garn, Frawgs!" he sneered, to the resentful Frenchman. "Yer 'yn't fit ter sye ther time o' dye ter 'er; yer knows yer 'yn't." "Wat? To ze daughtaire of a flute!" the Second-Violin replied. "W'y " "Garn!" said the drummer. "Sye, yer myke me sick! You, with yer black-'aired fyce an' paytent boots!