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I've been left the old red church this fortnight and more. Charlie's got me on the clubs. But my word!" turning to Charlie, "it's her as oughter be there, my dear!" "She cheeks me out," said Charlie, "as you'll knock the stuffing out of Betty Bellman 'erself if you once myke a stawt." And Aggie said: "I might get you to do a turn almost any Sunday, if you like, my dear.

Tommy would say, as the platoon sergeant felt his way along the trench in the darkness, "w'en is the next relief comin' on? Yer watch needs a good blacksmith. I been on sentry three hours if I been a minute!" "Never you mind about my watch, son! You got another forty-five minutes to do." "Will you listen to that, you blokes! S'y! I could myke a better timepiece out of an old bully tin!

Amber," he declared earnestly, "I never looked for nothin' like this I I never I " Quite without warning he was quiet and composed again. "Might I ask it of you as a favour, sir, to look after this" he offered to return the cheque "for a while, till I can myke up my mind what to do with it." "Certainly." Amber took the paper, folded it and placed it in his card-case.

"I want to see when I can get a boat back to England." "Hmm.... Yes, you'll find a Bradshaw in the port-locker, near the for'ard bulk'ead. Run along now and pl'y and mind you don't go tearin' out the pyges to myke pyper boatses to go sylin' in." Kirkwood went below. Like its adjacent rooms, the cabin was untenanted; the watch was the mate's, and Stryker a martinet.

Captain Swarth swung himself into the mizzen-rigging and answered through his hands with an excellent cockney accent: "Tryde Wind o' Lunnon, Cappen Quirk, fifty-one dyes out fro' Liverpool, bound to Callao, gen'ral cargo." "You were not heading for the Horn." "Hi'm a-leakin' badly. Hi'm a-goin' to myke the coast to careen. D'ye happen to know a good place?"

"If," he continued acidly, "I'd a-guessed you was such a damn' fool, blimmy if I wouldn't've let you drownd!" Staggered, Kirkwood bore his sarcastic truculence without resentment. "Calendar," he stammered, trying to explain, "Calendar said " "I carn't 'elp wot Calendar said. Mebbe 'e did myke an engygement with you, an' you've gone and went an' forgot the dyte.

"A nice-lookin' girl might 'ave a-many chawnces in a place syme as this, my dear." "Lawd, yus; and when I seen the young laidy come in at the door, 'Strike me lucky! thinks I, 'the very one!" "Syme 'ere, my dear. I reckkernized ye the minute I seen ye; and if ye want to leave the hospital and myke a stawt, as you were saying last night " Glory stopped them. They were on the wrong trace entirely.

Gawd strike me blind, but I've a word for you, too!... 'And over that bag and look nippy, or I'll myke you pye for w'at you've done to me ... I'll myke you pye!" he iterated hoarsely, edging closer. "'And it over or " "You've got another guess " Kirkwood began, but saved his breath in deference to an imperative demand on him for instant defensive action.

She wanted to become a singer, perhaps an actress, and to tell them the truth she might not be staying long, for when she got engagements "Jest as you like, my dear; myke yerself at 'ome. On'y don't be in a 'urry about engygements. Good ones ain't tots picked up by the childring in the streets these dyes." Nevertheless it was agreed that Glory was to lodge at the tobacconist's, and Mr.

No, my men, there's too many of you ain't able to give the women 'omes fit to live in; too many of you in that fix fur you to go on jawin' at those o' the women 'oo want to myke the 'omes a little more deservin' o' the name. 'If the vote ain't done us any good, a man bawled up at him, ''ow'll it do the women any good? 'Look 'ere!