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William, too, was of this opinion. Something serious must have happened. As they went up to their room Esther said "It is all the fault of this betting. The neighbourhood is completely ruined. They're losing their 'omes and their furniture, and you'll bear the blame of it." "It do make me so wild to hear you talkin' that way, Esther. People will bet, you can't stop them.

Mavis gathered from these remarks that a mother had been delivered of a child during Mrs Gowler's brief sojourn upstairs. The latter confirmed this surmise by saying a little later, when she issued from the kitchen drying her hands and bared arms on a towel: "The worst of these here nursing 'omes is that yer never knows when you're going to be on the job. I didn't expect Liz till termorrer."

It was this 'ero's genius and, I may say er I may say genius that, unaided, 'it upon the only way for removing the cruel conqueror from our beloved 'earths and 'omes. Here the orator bowed, and took advantage of the applause to replenish his stock of breath. When his face had begun to lose the purple tinge, he raised his hand.

"Which it's not to be expected you should, sir!" replied Mrs. Spruce with an air of triumph, "Considerin' as you wer'n't here when she left, and the Manor has been what you may call a stately 'ome of England deserted as most stately 'omes are, for more'n ten years, you couldn't be expected to understand!" The Reverend John looked as he felt, completely mystified.

"There's the Slogger, now, he won't go into the 'ome on no consideration; says he wouldn't give a empty sugar-barrel for all the 'omes in London. But then the Slogger's a lazy muff. He don't want to work that's about it. He'd sooner starve than work. By consikence he steals, more or less, an finds a 'ome in the `stone jug' pretty frequent.

"He told me, sir," continued the gratified under-gardener, "that he had often read of the 'stately 'omes of England, but ours was the first he had the chance to see. When he came to the 'ead of the long alley, he fetched his breath. 'This is indeed a lordly domain! he cries. And it was natural he should be interested in the place, for it seems Mr. Carthew had been kind to him in the States.

Bunnett told Henery Walker next day that 'e could ha' found 'omes for 'em ten times over. "'You've no idea wot fine, kind-'arted people they are in this village when their 'arts are touched, he ses, smiling at Henery. 'You ought to 'ave seen Mr. Jones's smile when I asked 'im to take one. It did me good to see it. And I spoke to Mr.

Because we've got proof enough to sink a steamboat," roared Moses; "because I've got the papers in my very 'and; because your precious Innocent is a blackguard and 'ome smasher, and these are the 'omes he's smashed. I don't set up for a 'oly man; but I wouldn't 'ave all those poor girls on my conscience for something.

'We must try and find 'omes for 'em when they are old enough, he says at last; 'I'll go round myself and see wot I can do for you. "Henery Walker thanked 'im and went off 'ome doing a bit o' thinking; and well he 'ad reason to. Everybody wanted one o' them kittens. Peter Gubbins offered for to take two, and Mr.

No, my men, there's too many of you ain't able to give the women 'omes fit to live in; too many of you in that fix fur you to go on jawin' at those o' the women 'oo want to myke the 'omes a little more deservin' o' the name. 'If the vote ain't done us any good, a man bawled up at him, ''ow'll it do the women any good? 'Look 'ere!