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"Oh, you have!" he said again, but not with the same expression. "Um-hm," said Captain Zelotes gravely. "I'm like you in one way; I've never met your Madeline any more than you have met Al. I've seen her once or twice, and she is real pretty and nice-lookin'. But I don't know her at all.

"Well," said she, "for a smart, nice-lookin' young man, like you, it's your own fault " And then there was a tap on the door. Rowena started, turned toward the door, made as if to get up to open it, and then sat down again, her face first flushed and then pale. Her mother opened the door, and there stood Buckner Gowdy. He came in, with his easy politeness and sat down among us like an old friend.

"Why, I don't understan' you, Mis' Hamilton," puffed Mrs. Jones. "She 's a nice-lookin' lady, an' she said she knowed you at home." "All you got to do is to tell dat ooman jes' what I say." Minty Brown downstairs had heard the little colloquy, and, perceiving that something was amiss, had come to the stairs to listen.

"Even to make your fortunes which is my constant joy and endeavour, as you know I mustn't expose it too much to the night air. Now I've a pianner here, but it's not for sale. And I've an assistant here a bit worn, but he's not for sale neither. So as 'tis Midsummer's Eve, and I see some very nice-lookin' young women a tip-tapping their feet for it, and Mr.

No wonder you don't know what you're talking about! Why, we put it all over you fellows here for clean streets, and shops, and nice-lookin' lawns and all that and our school!" Poketownites were proud of the reading-room, too, although Mr. Massey's store was becoming a cramped place for it now. The shelves devoted to the circulating library were well crowded.

"A nice-lookin' girl might 'ave a-many chawnces in a place syme as this, my dear." "Lawd, yus; and when I seen the young laidy come in at the door, 'Strike me lucky! thinks I, 'the very one!" "Syme 'ere, my dear. I reckkernized ye the minute I seen ye; and if ye want to leave the hospital and myke a stawt, as you were saying last night " Glory stopped them. They were on the wrong trace entirely.

But now about this yoong woman an' Great End? "Well, I ain't heared much about her not yet awhile. But they say as she's nice-lookin', an' Muster Shentsone ee said as she'd been to college somewhere, where they'd larn't her farmin'." Batts made a sound of contempt. "College!" he said, with a twitching of the broad nostrils which seemed to spread over half his face. "They can't larn yer farmin'!"

Henry's got power of some sort, John ... I don't know what sort ... but there's power in him ... and I want it to come out right. He's the sort that'll go soft on women if he's not careful. He'd be off after every young, nice-lookin' girl he meets if he were let ... an' God knows what the end of that would be. There's this girl, Sheila Morgan ... you've seen her?..."

I left the lightkeeper at his island. He refused to accept a cent from me, except in payment for the gasolene, and declared he had had a "fust-rate night of it." "Come and see us again, Mr. Paine," he said. "Come any time and fetch your lady along. She's a good one, she is, and nice-lookin', don't talk! You're a lucky critter, did you know it? Haw! haw! Good-by."

Well, now, if I was in the photograftin' business, seems t' me I'd pick out the nice-lookin' places to make pictures of. I knowed a feller once that made a business of takin' photografts in furin' parts. He sailed with me when I was master of the Blue Sparrow clipper built she was, an' a spankin' fine craft. We " "Oh, Uncle Amazon!"