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Then in the morning you can take the seven-forty-five for Washington and get there at five-fifty-two if it isn't late. How's that?" "But your sister!" stammered Betty. "She doesn't know me. What will she say?" "She'll say you have eyes just like Juliet, the little sister who died when she was about your age," declared Dan Gowdy gently. "Don't you fret, Sister, she'll be glad to have you.

"Dan's so all-fired proud of that youngster he never lets a chance slip to tell we named him Daniel Gowdy Brill. Though Dan senior usually forgets to add the Brill." "Does does Mrs. Brill know I'm coming?" ventured Betty. "She sure does! I telephoned her the minute I heard from Dan, and I suspect she and the baby are sitting out on the fence now watching for you to come along.

Virginia Royall sat in the back seat of the carriage with Buckner Gowdy, and the darky, Pinckney Johnson we all knew him afterward drove solemnly along wearing white gloves which he had found somewhere. Virginia shrank away over to her own side of the seat as if trying to get as far from Buckner Gowdy as possible.

I could see smoke at Magnus's down the road. I felt a pleasure in thus sneaking in without any one's knowing it. I had not gone to see Mr. Lusch in Waterloo, for I had learned that so far from being killed, Captain Gowdy had come through Shiloh without a scratch, and that he had soon afterward resigned and gone back to Monterey County.

I left him talking with the whole Fewkes family, except Rowena, who kept herself out of sight somewhere, and went out to the stable to work. Gowdy was talking to them in that low-voiced, smiling way of his, with the little sympathetic tremor in his voice like that in the tone of an organ.

"Nobody but that man in all this country would call me that." She hardly ever called Gowdy by any other name but "that man," so far as I have heard. Something had taken place which struck her with a sort of dumbness; and I really believe she could not then have spoken the name Gowdy if she had tried.

On asking who their two richest men were she mentioned Governor Wade, of course, and Mr. Gowdy. "Mr. Gowdy," she ventured, "is in a very hopeful, frame of mind. He is, I fervently hope and believe, under conviction of sin. We pray for him without ceasing. He would be a tower of strength, with his ability and his wealth, if he should, under God, turn to the right and seek salvation.

A man on horseback named Gowdy, with a negro, came into Independence looking for her this morning after searching everywhere along the road from some place west back to the settlement. She is sixteen years old. There wouldn't be any other girl traveling alone and without provision. Have you passed such a person?" "No, I hain't," said I. The name "Genevieve" helped me a little in this deceit.

And she sprang up, and would have run off, I believe, if Buckner Gowdy had not overtaken her, and coaxingly led her back into the house. We come now into a new state of things in the history of Vandemark Township. We meet not only the things that made it, but the actors in the play.

I held her in my arms again as I had done the night Ann Gowdy had died back there near Dubuque, all senseless in her faint; or as I had when I scared the wolves away from her back along the Old Ridge Road; or as when I had carried her across the creek back in our Grove of Destiny and she always, in my dreams, was willing, and conscious that I held her so tight because I loved her.