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And it is a matter of history that he composed his well-known La Noche de San Juan for the favorite, Olivares, in three days. This, in addition to his other works, offers us a slight insight into the wonderful fertility of the man's genius and gives reason to Cervantes and his contemporaries for calling him "el monstruo de la naturaleza" and "el Fénix de los ingenios."

In school he was particularly brilliant and showed remarkable aptitude in the study of Latin, rhetoric, and literature. These school days were interrupted once by a truant flight to the north of Spain, but at Astorga, near the ancestral estate of Vega, Lope, weary of the hardships of travel, turned back to Madrid.

The ñaque, two players, who could perform entremeses and play one or two musical instruments. The gangarilla, group of three or four actors of whom one was a boy to play a woman's part. They usually played a farce or some other short play. The cambaleo was composed of five men and a woman and remained several days in each village.

=Por modesta que fuese=, however modest it might be. =Ya que no podía decirse=, since it could not be said. =Pasados algunos días=, some days having passed. =Ya no tuvo que empeñar=, he no longer had anything to pawn. =De posada en posada=, from inn to inn. =Como era de esperar=, as was to be expected. =En torno suyo=, around him. =Al observar=, on observing. =Tornó a salir=, he went out again.

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